

单词 game
释义 game
I. \ˈgām\ noun
Etymology: Middle English, from gamen, from Old English; akin to Old High German & Old Norse gaman pleasure, amusement
  (1) : an amusement or pastime : diversion, play
   < children at their games >
   < regarded his poetic activity as a game to while away tedious hours >
  (2) : the equipment used to play a game
   < what games will you buy the children for Christmas >
 b. : a practical joke : foolery, fun, prank, sport, lark
  < don't get mad, it was all a game >
  < I'm tired of your games >
  — often used in the phrase to make game
  < the women were always making game of her — W.D.Steele >
  < the queer wicked grin … you do have the time you're making game with a man — J.M.Synge >
 a. : a scheme or strategy employed in the pursuit of an object or purpose : method of procedure : course, plan, tactic
  < the authorities decided to play a waiting game — Philip Rooney >
  < the game was to look frightened and then relieved — Alan Harrington >
  < the president tried another game — S.E.Morison & H.S.Commager >
  < the game is up >
  (1) : an illegal, fraudulent, or shady scheme or maneuver : racket, dodge, trick
   < a bad plan for that kind of game — our police are too good — John Buchan >
   < picked up after bilking a filling-station attendant in a short-change gameSpringfield (Massachusetts) Union >
  (2) : a particular occupation, profession, or other field of gainful activity : line
   < the fight game >
   < the newspaper game >
   < a commercial traveler in the hardware game — Richard Bissell >
  (3) : a specified type of activity or mode of behavior
   < the game of sin is never worth while — F.A.Swinnerton >
   < the game of love >
   < the game of politics >
  (1) : a physical or mental competition conducted according to rules in which the participants play in direct opposition to each other, each side striving to win and to keep the other side from doing so — see game of chance
  (2) : a division or subdivision of a larger contest
   < two games in a row gave them a 700-point rubber >
   < he won the first set by a score of six games to two but lost the match >
  (3) : a single contest lasting until a designated limit (as a set time or a certain number of innings or points) is reached
  (4) : the number of points necessary to be scored in order to win
   < in casino 21 points is game >
   < in schuffleboard 50 points is game >
  (5) : points credited on the score in some card games (as seven-up) to the player whose cards count up the highest
  (6) : the ten-spot of trumps counting a point to the one securing it in play in pedro, cinch, and certain other card games
  (7) : any of the available bids or declarations that impose specific obligations on the bidder in skat and related games
  (8) : score
   < the bowler's games were 197, 189, and 200 >
  (9) : a statistical unit for measuring the relative competitive standing of the teams in a league
   < three games behind >
  (10) : the manner, quality, or style of playing in a contest
   < they play a very rough game >
   < occasionally … put aside domestic cares to keep up her game at the local country club — M.F. & Katharine Pringle >
   < he is off his game >
   < shoots in the low 80s when he is on his gameTime >
  (11) : the set of rules according to which a game is played
   < will you teach me the game >
 b. games plural : organized athletics
  < games and circuses are not as good as art, music, and literature — Walter Moberly >
 c. : charades — used with the
 d. : a contest, rivalry, or struggle of any kind
  < delegates who are anxious to back a winner … early in the gameNewsweek >
 a. obsolete : sport in the hunting field
  (1) : animals under pursuit or taken in hunting : quarry
  (2) : animals considered worthy of pursuit by sportsmen; especially : wild animals hunted for sport or food
  (3) : the flesh of a game animal considered as food
  (1) : a kept herd or flock — now used of swans
  (2) : game fowl
  (3) archaic : the combative spirit held to be typical of game fowl
 d. : a butt, target, or object especially of ridicule, exploitation, pursuit, or attack
  < they are also bores — always the richest game for the comic instinct — V.S.Pritchett >
  — often used in the phrase fair game
  < all the customers in the speakeasies were fair game — George Raft >
Synonyms: see fun
II. verb
Etymology: Middle English gamen to play, from game, n. — more at game I
intransitive verb
: to play for a stake (as with cards, dice, or billiards)
 < the men became sufficiently acquainted to game together — Frances Trollope >
transitive verb
archaic : to lose or squander by gambling — used chiefly with away
III. adjective
Etymology: game (I)
1. : having a resolute unyielding spirit
 < he was game to the end >
2. : of or relating to game
 < game laws >
 < game warden >
IV. adjective
(sometimes -er/-est)
Etymology: perhaps from game (III)
: lame
 < a game leg >
V. transitive verb
: to take dishonest advantage of : cheat
 < game the tax system >




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