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curve I. \ˈkərv, -ə̄v, -əiv\ adjective Etymology: Latin curvus bent, curved — more at crown archaic : curved II. verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Latin curvare, from curvus intransitive verb : to have or take a turn, change, or deviation from a straight line or course or from a level surface typically with a rounded gradual effect and without sharp breaks or angularity < the road curves around the town > transitive verb 1. : to cause to curve : form into a curving surface : bend < curving the line gracefully > < curving the strips slightly > 2. a. : to throw or propel (as a ball) so that a course follows curves or appears to curve < curving the next pitch > b. : to throw a curve ball to (a batter) Synonyms: bend, twist: curve describes any deviation or swerving from the straight or level that suggests an arc of a circle or an ellipse < his lips were curved in a smile — Kenneth Roberts > < over the roof a few swallows were curving — Ellen Glasgow > bend is likely to refer to an angular turning or curving at a certain point under a degree of force or pressure < bend the steel strips as required > < bend the glass tube at the point indicated > Figuratively bend may imply some forcing or distortion of materials or of facts, or some pressure on or persuasion of people < was somewhat prone to bend logic to meet the demands of argument — E.S.Bates > < not all prescriptive speech aims purely and typically at bending the hearer's attitudes to those of the speaker — W.D.Falk > twist is likely to suggest a force having a spiraling effect throughout the object involved rather than an effect at one point < the light steel rods twisted together by the explosion > Figuratively twist suggests a more extreme distortion than bend < an unconquerable confidence … which understates or twists into a wry joke the fatal moment of war — Times Literary Supplement > III. noun (-s) Etymology: curve (I) 1. : a line or surface that curves : a bending without angles : bend, flexure < a train going around a curve > < the stream describing many curves through the valley > 2. : something curved: as a. : a curving line of the human body; especially : a curving line characteristic of an attractive feminine figure — usually used in plural b. : french curve c. curves plural : parentheses 3. a. or curve ball : a baseball pitch in which the ball swerves or appears to swerve from its normal or expected course of flight because of a spin put on it in delivery — compare inshoot, outshoot b. : a ball bowled by a right-handed bowler that starts to the right and then veers to the left — compare hook c. : trick, deception : the act of deluding or breaking a promise 4. : graph: as a. : a usually curved line representing graphically a variable element as affected by one or more conditions < the price curve mounts to a peak in summer > b. : an indication of development or progress : course, rate, trend 5. a. : a line that may be precisely defined by an equation in such a way that the coordinates of its points are functions of a single independent variable or parameter b. (1) : the intersection of two geometrical surfaces (2) : the path of a moving point 6. : a teacher's arrangement of grades purporting to represent the distribution of excellent, medium, and poor performances that may be expected in a certain assignment or over a certain period < a teacher marking on a curve will give more C's than A's or D's > 7. : characteristic curve a |