释义 |
frost I. \ˈfrȯst also -ä-\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English frost, forst, from Old English; akin to Old Saxon, Old High German, & Old Norse frost; derivatives from the root of English freeze 1. a. : the process of freezing : congelation of fluids, especially water b. (1) : the condition or temperature of the air that causes the freezing of water : freezing weather (2) : a frozen condition c. (1) : a covering of minute ice crystals on a cold surface that is formed by the condensation of atmospheric vapor at temperatures below freezing — called also hoarfrost, white frost; compare black frost (2) : the cause of such crystallization and freezing regarded as a special agency — compare jack frost 2. a. : coldness of deportment or temperament : an indifferent, reserved, or unfriendly manner < our friends have … a slight frost or tartness in their speech — F.A.Swinnerton > b. : something that meets with a cold reception : fiasco, failure < one small meeting can be a frost and another a crashing success — R.H.Rovere > < the trip proved to be a frost — R.L.Taylor > < the play was … a most dreadful frost — Arnold Bennett > II. verb (-ed/-ing/-s) transitive verb 1. : to roughen or sharpen (as the nailheads or calks of horseshoes) so as to prevent slipping on ice 2. a. : to cover with or as if with frost or a surface resembling frost; especially : to put icing on (cake) < white pleated panels frost a pastel dress — McCall's Needlework > < a face mask … tends to produce fogging of the goggles … and to frost them over below-10° F — H.G.Armstrong > b. : to produce on (as metal or glass) a fine-grained sparkling slightly roughened surface with a distinctive pattern c. : to pit or etch (a rock) by wind action 3. a. : to injure by frost : freeze < froze to death 2000 of their birds and frosted the remaining 1000 … badly — John Bird > b. : to freeze so as to kill (as plants) or cause to drop (as buds) intransitive verb 1. : to become frosted : freeze < I've had tumblers frosting all day — Eugene Walter > < the fur parka … began to frost up — Robert Murphy > < I have on various evenings hugged the open fire … to keep my bones from frosting — W.A.Krauss > — often used with over < all of the cabin windows will frost over — H.G.Armstrong > 2. : to dry with the appearance of a frosty window — used especially of varnish and oil films III. transitive verb : to make angry or irritated < doesn't that just frost you when they do that? — Kent Ward > |