

单词 freedom
释义 free·dom
\ˈfrēdəm\ noun
Etymology: Middle English fredom, from Old English frēodōm, from frēo free + -dōm -dom
1. : the quality or state of being free: as
 a. : the quality or state of not being coerced or constrained by fate, necessity, or circumstances in one's choices or actions
  < the philosophical implications of the play theory are found in its opposition of freedom and necessity, of spontaneity and order — John Dewey >
  (1) : the status of the will as an uncaused cause of human actions : the absence of antecedent causal determination of human decisions
  (2) : self-realization or spiritual self-fulfillment that is not incompatible with the existence of natural causes of the will-act : self-determination
   < the Stoic conception of freedom is one of rational self-determination; free acts are those which are in conformity with a man's rational nature and, ultimately, with the rational nature of the universe — Frank Thilly >
  (1) : exemption or liberation from slavery, imprisonment, or restraint or from the undue, arbitrary, or despotic power and control of another : liberty, independence
  (2) : the ability or capacity to act without undue hindrance or restraint
 d. : the quality or state of being exempt or released
  < freedom from care >
  < freedom from annoyance >
  < freedom from taxes >
 e. : generosity, largeness, magnanimity
  < betray him and announce either the freedom and nobility of his soul or its meanness and limitation — Laurence Binyon >
  (1) : ease, facility
   < able to speak the foreign language with freedom >
  (2) : the quality or state of running or operating smoothly and without impediment
   < the machine ran with greater freedom after greasing >
 g. : the quality of being frank, open, unreserved, or outspoken
 h. : improper familiarity : undue social liberty : violation of the strict dictates of decorum or decency
 i. : boldness or vigor of conception or execution
 j. : unrestricted use
  < give a friend the freedom of the house >
  < gave the visitor the freedom of the club >
2. : right, privilege, franchise
 < follow the … political line as a price for their limited freedom to preach and teach — T.P.Whitney >
 a. : the right of participating as a member or a citizen often conferred as a mark of honorary distinction upon one who is not a member or a citizen
 b. : a right or liberty guaranteed by a constitution or fundamental law
  < formulated in their first civil contract certain freedoms as essential to a happy people >
  or granted by one in authority
  < given the freedom to enter without showing his pass >
  or assured by convention or popular sentiment
  < no one cared if the beloved old man was allowed a freedom denied to law-abiding citizens >
 c. : the right or privilege of availing oneself of speech or of acting according to the dictates of conscience or utilizing, supporting, and acting according to one's own view of religion without undue restraints or within reasonably formulated and legally specified limits
3. : a share of common land formerly allotted in Scotland to a freeman




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