释义 |
safe·ty I. \ˈsāftē, -ti sometimes ÷-fəd.- or ÷-fət-\ noun (-es) Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English sauvete, saufte, safte, from Middle French salveté, sauveté, from Old French, from salve, sauve (feminine of salf, sauf safe) + -té -ty — more at safe 1. : the condition of being safe : freedom from exposure to danger : exemption from hurt, injury, or loss < the only safety against being deceived lies in … refusal to bear arms — W.R.Inge > < ferried in safety across the river > 2. obsolete : custody < hold him in safety till the prince come hither — Shakespeare > 3. a. archaic : a means of protection : safeguard b. (1) : a locking or interrupting device on a military apparatus (as a mine, missile, weapon) that prevents it from being fired accidentally (2) : the condition of a firearm when the safety is in action < to carry a piece at safety > c. : a device (as an elevator cable break or a drop hammer trip) applied to equipment to reduce hazard from component failure or personal contact d. : condom 4. a. : the quality or state of not presenting risks : safeness < people have a tendency to choose the safety of the middle-ground reply — S.L.Payne > < the captain of an airplane was held responsible for the … safety of his ship — E.K.Gann > b. : the quality or state of being financially secure < safety of principal > 5. : knowledge of or skill in methods of avoiding accident or disease < an expert in traffic safety > 6. : any of several plays in various sports: a. : a billiard shot made with no attempt to score and intended to leave the balls in an unfavorable position for the opponent b. (1) : a football play in which the ball is downed by the offensive team behind its own goal line (2) : a score made by a safety that counts two points for the opposing team — compare touchback c. : base hit d. : the act of hitting the ball across the back line and not between the goal posts by one of the defending side in a polo match 7. : a member of a defensive backfield in football who occupies the deepest position in order to receive a kick or defend against a pass made by the opposing team or to stop a ballcarrier who has broken away II. transitive verb (-ed/-ing/-es) : to protect against failure, breakage, or other accident: as a. : to secure (a nut on an airplane) against loosening by vibration b. : to engage the safety of (a weapon) |