

单词 round
释义 round
I. \ˈrau̇nd\ verb
Etymology: Middle English rounen, from Old English rūnian; akin to Old High German rūnēn to whisper, Old Norse rȳna to converse confidentially; all from a prehistoric North Germanic-West Germanic denominative verb from the source of Old English rūn mystery, secret — more at rune
intransitive verb
archaic : whisper
transitive verb
1. : to whisper (something)
2. : to speak to (someone) in a whisper
II. adjective
(usually -er/-est)
Etymology: Middle English round, rounde, from Old French roont, rount (feminine roonde, rounde) from Latin rotundus; akin to Latin rota wheel — more at roll
 a. : having every part of the surface or of the circumference equally distant from a center within : spherical, circular, annular, spiral
 b. : circular in cross section : cylindrical
 c. : having a curved outline or form especially like the arc of a circle or an ellipse or a part of the surface of a sphere
 d. of an arch : having a semicircular intrados — see arch illustration
 e. archaic : having a full or circular form — used of a garment
 f. of shoulders : bent forward from the line or plane of a person's back
2. : well fleshed : well filled out : plump, shapely
 a. : complete, full — used of a number or quantity
  < a round dozen >
  < a round million men >
  < a round ton of irreclaimable scrap >
 b. : approximately correct; especially : exact only to the nearest ten, hundred, or multiple of these
  < his year's profit was about $5000 as a round figure >
 c. : substantial in amount : ample, large
  < will be taken off our hands quickly and at a good round price — T.B.Costain >
 a. : showing severity or violence : harsh
  < gave him a round hiding — Ellery Queen >
 b. : marked by bluntness, directness, or forthrightness : bold, plain, outspoken
  < asserted with a round oath … that all sergeants were liars — Haldane Macfall >
 c. : brisk, fast, vigorous
  < set a round pace — John Buchan >
 a. : traversing a course that ends at its starting point after retracing itself or making a circuit — used especially in the phrase round trip
 b. : moving in or forming a circle — compare round dance
 a. : brought to completion or perfection : thoroughly wrought : finished
 b. : imaginatively presented or drawn with lifelike fullness or vividness : seen from all sides or in many aspects
  < the characters and their motives are as round and deep as those we might hope to find in a serious novel — Times Literary Supplement >
7. : delivered with a more or less full swing of the arm
 < a round blow >
8. : having full or unimpeded resonance or tone : mellow, rich, sonorous
9. : pronounced with rounded lips : labialized
10. : of or relating to handwriting that is predominantly curved rather than angular
 < a round schoolboy hand >
11. : of or relating to a transaction in securities that includes both buying and selling (as the sale of issues previously bought or a purchase made to cover a short sale)
12. of a fish : not gutted or dressed : entire
III. adverb
Etymology: Middle English round, rounde, from round (II)
 a. : in a circular or curved path or progression : in a course that follows a circle, ellipse, orbit, or spiral : around
  < our plane circled round at dusk — Noel Barber >
 b. : in close from all sides so as to surround, confine, or ring about
  < walls and towers girdled round with radiance and splendor — Brooks Atkinson >
 c. : by a circuitous or curving route : in an indirect or roundabout way
  < brought the milk round to the back door >
  < did not shine at golf but went round in the middle 80s >
 d. : to each of a group or number in succession : in turn : in rotation
  < handed round water in an enamel mug — Margaret Kennedy >
  < cigars enough to go round >
2. : on every side : in all or various directions from a fixed point
 < the peasants round about his father's parish — O.S.J.Gogarty >
 < made frequent excursions in the country round >
3. : with revolving or rotating motion
 < the wheel turns round >
4. obsolete : directly, outspokenly
5. : to a place or person either specified or understood
 < sent round for the doctor >
 < invited them round to meet his guest >
 < called his car round >
6. : approximately, nearly
 < happened at the corner or round there >
7. : from beginning to end : through
 < about 700 workers are employed at the plant the year roundAmerican Guide Series: Maryland >
 a. : in the reverse or opposite direction : to the rear
  < turned round in his chair to look >
 b. : from one opinion or attitude to another : to a different or altered position
  < see if you can talk me round — Dorothy Sayers >
 a. : here and there : from one place to another : all about
  < word got round quickly >
 b. : over a property to inspect it
  < showed the visitors round >
10. : back to normal health or equilibrium
 < brought a woman round after a faint >
11. : in a series or progression : in order
 < seemed to be going about things the wrong way round >
IV. preposition
 a. : so as to progress around or make the circuit of
  < had the great thrill of flying round Africa — C.B.Randall b.1891 >
 b. : so as to revolve or rotate about (an axis or center)
  < pointed out that the planets move round the sun in the same direction and nearly in the same plane — H.S.Jones >
 c. : so as to make a partial circuit of : so as to reach the other side of by a curving course
  < whether he sailed directly across the bay … or coasted round it is uncertain — Stanley Casson >
 d. : so as to follow the curving line of : along the bend of
  < it was a mile by water, four miles round the shore — David Walker >
 e. : beyond the projection of
  < it stood just round the corner from his father's house — Van Wyck Brooks >
 a. : so as to encircle or enclose : on all sides of
  < the fat thus formed is to be found in large masses … round the kidneys — S.J.Watson >
  < they swarmed close round her to hear — C.S.Forester >
  < pulled her shawl closer round her — T.H.Barnardo >
 b. : in the vicinity of : adjacent to : near
  < the lands round the city — Herbert Agar >
 c. : so as to form a group or mass about
  < will tend to gather round him the best minds in America — New Republic >
  < a great puddle formed round the hole >
  (1) : from point to point or from person to person in : here and there in
   < took his way round the city, passing a discreet word here and a mere look there as he went >
   < refreshes the students' memories by asking a few simple questions round the class — D.H.Spencer >
  (2) : throughout the extent of : all over : all through
   < the blood circulates round the body >
 a. : in all directions from
  < we cannot measure it by what we see round us — Lewis Galantiere >
 b. : so as to have a center or basis in
  < the flame … was yellow on the outside, bluish in the middle, but there was no color round the wick — Stuart Cloete >
  < the biography is centered round the individual — Richard Pares >
 a. : all during a specified period of time : throughout
  < the perfect satisfaction which is one equation of love — round the days, the weeks — Ethel Wilson >
 b. : at about a specified time or season
  < round 1900 his repute was still untarnished >
  < he had to find gunpowder and guns to keep the army from dissolving round Christmas — Times Literary Supplement >
V. noun
Etymology: Middle English rounde, from round (II); in some senses probably from Middle French or French rond, ronde, from rond (adjective), from Old French roont, rount
1. : something round: as
 a. : a spherical object or surface : ball, globe
  (1) : a circular area or surface or its circumference : circle, ring
  (2) obsolete : crown
   < and wears upon his baby brow the round and top of sovereignty — Shakespeare >
 c. : a cylindrical object
  < maintained a stock of bar steel that included rounds up to 2 1/2 inches in diameter >
 d. : a circular building, wall, or other structure or a rounded or circular part of one (as a turret)
 e. : a knot of people or a circle of things
 f. : a topographical circle, bend, or curve
2. : round dance 1
 < a light fantastic round — John Milton >
3. : a polyphonic vocal composition in which three or four voices follow each other around in a canon at the unison or octave : circular canon
 a. : a rung of a ladder or of a chair
 b. : a round rod constituting a machine part (as a cylindrical bar of a lantern pinion)
 c. : a rounded molding
 a. : a circling or circuitous path or course
 b. : motion in a circle or about a curving track
  < won his race only with a final fast round of the track >
6. : a route or circuit habitually covered: as
 a. : the circuit covered by a military watch at a camp or other installation; also : a military patrol that makes rounds to keep order in a community or to keep sentinels alert
 b. : the beat or route regularly covered by a watchman or policeman — usually used in plural
 c. Britain : the route of a newspaper delivery boy, milkman, or other vendor
 d. : a series of professional calls on patients in a hospital made by a doctor or nurse — usually used in plural
 e. : a series of social calls or visits : a routine of social activity
  < a busy round of dances and parties >
 f. : a circuit or progression of similar calls or stops
  < undertook a round of nightclubs after the play >
  < hurriedly made the rounds of his ice cream customers >
 g. : a line or course by which rumor, news, or other communication spreads among people — often used in plural
  < rumors calling his solvency in question were going the rounds of the brokerage offices >
  < knew he could expect any gossip that might be going the rounds >
 h. rounds plural, Britain : a circuit from farm to farm formerly followed by agricultural laborers
7. obsolete : a piece of sculpture modeled in full form unattached to a background
8. : a drink of liquor apiece served at one time to each person in a group
 < this round is on me >
9. : a series or sequence of actions, events, or affairs that recur in routine or repetitive manner
 < politics exist that men may live the daily round in security — J.M.Cameron >
 < life for them is one round of committees and council meetings — Margaret Stewart >
10. : a cycle of time : a period that recurs in a fixed pattern
 < the round of the hours >
 < the annual round >
 a. : one shot fired by a weapon or by each man in a military unit : salvo, volley
 b. : a unit of ammunition consisting of all the parts (as a projectile, a propellant, an igniting charge, and a primer) necessary in the firing and functioning of one shot
12. : a unit of card play constituted by each player's having had a turn (as in playing a card, receiving a card in the deal, dealing, or betting)
13. : a unit or division of play in a sports contest or game which occupies a stated period of time, covers a prescribed distance, includes a specified number of moves or plays, or gives each player one turn: as
 a. : any of various archery events in which a specified number of arrows are shot at prescribed distances
 b. : one of the three-minute periods into which a boxing match is divided
 c. : the playing of 18 holes of golf or one circuit of the course
 d. : a series of 25 shots in trapshooting or skeet
 e. : a match in an elimination tournament
14. Britain : a brewer's vessel in which fermentation is carried out
15. : an outburst of applause
 < took half a dozen curtain calls in response to repeated rounds of applause >
 a. : a hind leg of beef especially between the rump and the lower leg
  < a roast round of beef >
  — see beef illustration
 b. : a small beef casing
 c. : a slice of food
  < a round of bread >
  < a round of rolled dough >
  < a round of celeriac root >
17. rounds plural : the original striking order of a set of bells in change ringing
 < the return to rounds concludes a set of changes >
18. : a rounded or curved part: as
 a. : the shaft of a paddle
 b. : the convex backbone or concave fore edge of a book
19. : a group or series of drill holes blasted in sequence in advancing mine working places
20. : an artist's brush having a round tapered point — compare bright, flat
21. : a row in circular needlework (as knitting or crocheting)

- in round
- in the round
- out of round
VI. verb
Etymology: Middle English rounden, from round (II)
transitive verb
 a. : to make circular, spherical, or cylindrical : give a round or convex shape to (as the backbone of a book)
 b. : to curve or curl into a ring or ball
  < had rounded her body into a little circular heap while she slept >
  (1) : to make (the lips) more or less round and protruded by lessening the distance between the corners of the mouth (as in the pronunciation of \ü\)
  (2) : to pronounce (a vowel or consonant) with rounding of the lips : labialize
2. archaic
 a. : to trim (hair) short around the head
 b. : to crop the hair of (a person)
 c. : to trim the lobe of (a dog's ear)
 a. : to go around : make the circuit of
 b. : to pass part way around : reach the other side of by a curving course : go about (a point or corner) : double
  < whenever you round a turn, there's a view — E.W.Smith >
  < the railroad had rounded the hill — American Guide Series: Arkansas >
  < slipped in loose dirt rounding first base — Bob Broeg >
4. : to ring about : encircle, encompass, surround
 < the inclusive verge of golden metal that must round my brow — Shakespeare >
 a. : to bring to fullness or completion : perfect the form of : finish off
  < has rounded the characters by giving each a claim for sympathy — Henry Hewes >
 b. : to bring to perfection of style : polish
  < music rose from paragraph after rounded paragraph >
  < an epigram rounded the sentence with a flourish >
6. : to cause to face about : turn or swing around
 < with a dexterous swerve he rounded the yawl about — Frederick Way >
7. : to express (a number) in briefer or less exact form : state as a round number: as
 a. : to drop decimal figures to the right of a specified number of places after increasing the final remaining figure by 1 if the first digit dropped is 5 or greater
  < 11.3572 rounded to three decimals becomes 11.357 >
  < 9.419 rounded to two decimals is 9.42 >
 b. : to express an an approximate round number rather than as the exact figure
  < we are rounding all figures to the nearest hundred million — G.V.Cox >
 a. : to cut (fleshed hides) in sections for treatment : trim
  (1) : to cut (sole leather) to required shape with a knife rather than a die
  (2) : to cut (the sole of a shoe) to conform to the shape of a last after a sole has been attached
intransitive verb
1. obsolete : to go rounds as a guard or watchman
 a. : to become circular or spherical : grow round or plump : attain a shapely form
  < her body now rounds into womanhood >
 b. : to reach fullness, adequacy, or completion : develop, grow
  < the sales campaign he had outlined was now rounding into final shape >
  < the century rounded into its third decade — R.B.Fosdick >
3. : to take a curving line or direction : follow a winding course : bend
 < leaning wide on the turns like jockeys rounding into the home stretch — H.L.Davis >

- round on
VII. adjective
of a wine : being well-balanced in taste with fruit flavors more prominent than tannins
roundness noun




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