

单词 room
释义 room
I. \ˈrüm, ˈru̇m\ noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English roum, from Old English rūm; akin to Old High German, Old Norse, & Gothic rūm room, space; all from a prehistoric Germanic noun derived from an adjective represented by Old English rūm roomy, spacious, Old High German rūmi, Old Norse rūmr, Gothic rūms; akin to Latin rur-, rus country, open land, Middle Irish rōe, rōi level field, Avestan ravahspace, distance
 a. : unoccupied area : space
  < increasing population requires more room >
  < infinity of room in the reaches of the universe >
 b. : unoccupied area or space sufficient for additional accommodation
  < room at the inn >
  < room for pasture >
  < room to swing a cat in >
  < tearing down tenements to make room for new building >
 a. : a particular area or limited portion of space : compass
  < plenty of room between the houses >
  < a small car requires little room >
  < the sonnet's narrow room of 14 lines — O.S.J.Gogarty >
 b. Scotland : a piece of land : holding, farm
 a. obsolete : a place or station assigned to a person or thing
 b. obsolete : an office or position attributed to a particular person : rank, post
  < and therein placed a race of upstart creatures, to supply perhaps our vacant room — John Milton >
  (1) : a place or station formerly occupied by another
   < in whose room I am now assuming the pen — Sir Walter Scott >
   < be thou in Adam's room the head of all mankind — John Milton >
  (2) archaic : place, stead
   < substitute judgment in the room of sensation — Joseph Butler >
 a. : a part of the inside of a building, shelter, or dwelling usually set off by a partition
  < 15 room colonial mansion … for rest or convalescent home — advt >
  : chamber; especially : such a part used as a lodging
  < goes back to his furnished room — Norman Mailer >
  < the individual who actually assigns guests to their rooms — Don Short >
 b. rooms plural : a suite or set of rooms used for lodging : apartment, flat
  < sells his house and takes rooms in the city >
 c. : lodging consisting of a room usually specifically earned or furnished
  < room, board, and the return trip home … were paid for — Newsweek >
  — compare room and board
 d. : the people or an assemblage gathered in a room
  < attract the attention of the whole room >
5. : the opportunity, occasion, or capacity for something (as an action, development, or mental process)
 < room to hope >
 < room to improve >
 < room for argument >
 < room in morality for the high aspiration, the courageous decision — Havelock Ellis >
 < room in art and in civilization for many kinds of art — Thomas Munro >
 < no room in his mind for that malaise — Van Wyck Brooks >
6. : a chamber in which coal is mined — called also breast, stall
 berth, elbowroom, clearance, leeway, margin, play: room is a general term for unfilled open space without obstruction or encumbrance to free activity
  < space is room … and room is roominess, a chance to be, live and move — John Dewey >
  It may also indicate an adequate occasion, opportunity, or capacity
  < not alone in believing Mexico's behavior left no room for peaceful settlement — R.A.Billington >
  < which never arrived at so high a point of definition but that it left great room for disputes — G.G.Coulton >
  berth, orig. maneuvering space for a ship, still indicates a separation by wide clear space in various idioms
  < classified as the only venomous snake and is deservedly given a wide berthAmerican Guide Series: Delaware >
  elbowroom indicates adequate free space for physical activity or, by extension, freedom from cramping constraint
  < the Swiss, who have always liked plenty of elbowroom in their business dealings, are considerably irked by the restrictions of postwar trading — Mollie Panter-Downes >
  clearance as a synonym in this series stresses lack of obstruction; it is used in connection with the physical fact of a clear space around a moving object or with the indication that there is no objection, reservation, or check against free procedure
  < the new tunnels provide clearance for the largest trucks >
  < the steel industry refused to make any wage proposals until it obtained federal clearance for higher steel prices — Current History >
  leeway may indicate a reserve resource or advantageous characteristic not earmarked or calculated on, an allowed tolerance, or a measure of personal discretion or freedom from restriction in activity
  < leeway of a few minutes to change planes >
  < in many more or less routine matters the Union government allows them a considerable amount of leeway — F.A.Ogg & Harold Zink >
  margin in this sense is like leeway in suggesting a reserve for contingencies and emergencies or a reserve of any sort facilitating free and easy procedure
  < the most dogged, strong-minded ones, who find themselves with a margin of intellectual freshness and inquisitiveness at the end of the day — W.N.Francis >
  play applies to the fact of free movement or action without severe checks or cramping surroundings, especially to reactions to force or stress without more than incidental suggestions about ample space or roominess
  < the play of a gusty wind — Amy Lowell >
  < planning versus the play of the free market — Times Literary Supplement >
  < a world in which affection has free play, in which love is purged of the instinct for domination — Bertrand Russell >
II. adverb
(usually -er/-est)
Etymology: obsolete room, adjective, roomy, spacious, from Middle English roum, rom, room, from Old English rūm — more at room I
obsolete : large 2
III. \ˈrüm, ˈru̇m\ transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English roumen, from roum, adjective
archaic : to clear (a space) from encumbrance : make roomy or void
IV. verb
Etymology: room (I)
intransitive verb
: to occupy a room : lodge
 < the students room together in the dormitory >
transitive verb
: to accommodate (a guest or roomer) with lodgings; also : to convey to or install in a room
 < a bellman rooms the guests at the hotel >




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