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ret·ro·grade I. \ˈre.trəˌgrād sometimes ˈrē.t-\ adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Latin retrogradus, from retro- + gradus step — more at grade 1. a. of a celestial body : having a direction contrary to that of the general motion of similar bodies : exhibiting regression b. : moving, directed, or tending in a backward direction : contrary to the previous direction : retreating < fight a retrograde action — A.E.Younger > < a retrograde step > < retrograde telescope > c. (1) : contrary to the normal order : inverse, inverted < a retrograde order of enumeration > (2) : repeated backward < a retrograde melody in a contrapuntal composition > < retrograde imitation > 2. : tending towards or resulting in a worse state < a retrograde people > < retrograde ideas > < a retrograde measure > 3. archaic : opposed, contradictory < it is most retrograde to our desires — Shakespeare > 4. : characterized by retrogression 5. : affecting memories of a period immediately prior to a shock or seizure < retrograde amnesia > II. noun 1. : one that degenerates 2. : retrogression III. adverb : backward, reversely IV. verb Etymology: Latin retrogradi, from retro- + gradi to step, go — more at grade transitive verb archaic : to turn back : reverse < events … which seem to retard or retrograde the civility of ages — R.W.Emerson > intransitive verb 1. of a celestial body : to move in a direction contrary to the normal: as a. : to move opposite to the general eastward movement in the solar system : move westward on the sky b. : to move backward in an orbit : turn and move actually or apparently for a while in the direction opposite to its own usual direction 2. a. : to recede over the path of a previous advance : retreat < a glacier retrogrades > < the army retrogrades from the front > b. : to go back over something (as a narrative or argument) : recapitulate 3. : to decline from a better to a worse condition : fall back from a higher to a lower state of development < retrograde in intelligence > < manufacturing retrograding to a cottage industry > Synonyms: see recede V. adjective 1. : being or relating to the rotation of a satellite in a direction opposite to that of the body being orbited 2. : retro herein < retrograde fashion > |