释义 |
re·stric·tion \-kshən\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English restriccioun, from Late Latin restriction-, restrictio limitation, from Latin restrictus (past participle of restringere to restrict) + -ion-, -io -ion — more at restrain 1. : something that restricts : qualification: as a. : a regulation that restricts or restrains < new restrictions for hunters > b. : a limitation placed on the use or enjoyment of real or other property; especially : an encumbrance on land restricting the uses to which it may be put c. : a limitation that is imposed upon a class or ethnic group and that excludes its members from a fairly competitive use and enjoyment of the facilities of a community (as housing, employment, or education) d. : limitation of the opening two or three moves in a game of checkers to one series chosen by lot from an accepted list 2. : an act of restricting or the condition of being restricted : confinement within bounds < undue restriction of children > 3. : a tacit or expressed qualification : reservation < a mental restriction > 4. : tightening, constriction |