释义 |
refer·ent I. \rə̇ˈfər.ənt, rēˈf-, ˈref(ə)rənt\ noun (-s) Etymology: Latin referent-, referens, present participle of referre 1. : someone that is referred to or consulted 2. a. : a word or a term that refers to another b. logic : the term (as a in the proposition a has the relation R to b) from which a relation proceeds : the first term of a relation (as a in Ra, b, c) — compare relatum 3. : that which is denoted or named by an expression or a statement : a spatiotemporal object or event to which a term, sign, or symbol refers : the object of a reference II. adjective Etymology: Latin referent-, referens, present participle of referre : that refers : having reference < judgments referent to the entirety of life — L.T.Hobhouse > • refer·ent·ly adverb |