单词 | refer |
释义 | re·fer transitive verb 1. a. < the Anthocerotes cannot certainly be referred to this common stock — D.H.Campbell > < referred the dearth to the Civil War — Katharine F. Gerould > b. < legend refers the tying of knots in strings to about 2800 B.C. — Edward Clodd > c. < visual sensations are referred to external space > < the pain of appendicitis may be referred to any region of the abdomen — Encyc. Americana > 2. a. < refer a student to a dictionary > < refer a bill to a committee > < refer a patient to a specialist > b. < refer an office to a former employer > 3. obsolete 4. obsolete intransitive verb 1. obsolete 2. a. < the superscript numerals refer to notes at the foot of the page > < red pepper may refer to cayenne — J.W.Parry > b. < his remarks referred only indirectly to the opposing party > < for referring to these familiar facts the excuse is made — Herbert Spencer > 3. < pausing frequently in his speech to refer to his notes > < referred to his watch and hurried away > Synonyms: see ascribe |
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