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evap·o·ra·tion \ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈrāshən\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English evaporacioun, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French evaporation, from Latin evaporation-, evaporatio, from evaporatus + -ion-, -io -ion 1. a. : the change by which any substance is converted from a liquid state into and carried off in vapor; specifically : the conversion of a liquid into vapor in order to remove it wholly or partly from a liquid of higher boiling point or from solids dissolved in or mixed with it — compare distillation 1, sublimation b. : the process by which molecules of a heated metal or metallic compound are released to be subsequently deposited as a film on neighboring cooler surfaces : sublimation c. : the expulsion of particles (as of neutrons from a nucleus or electrons from a thermionic filament) 2. : the process of evaporating or concentrating by conversion of a part into vapor < evaporation of syrup > 3. archaic : the product or result of evaporating : vapor formed or a reaction effected by evaporating 4. a. : the process of passing away or off without leaving a trace : disappearance, dissipation < evaporation of the fortune took less time … and in the early thirties he was on his uppers — R.H.Rovere > < the gradual evaporation of humanitarian and democratic spirit — Carl Landauer > b. : the process of passing into a weaker, less substantial, or inferior state or form : weakening, decline < a danger of evaporation into a vague … mysticism — P.E.More > |