

单词 equipment
释义 equip·ment
\ə̇ˈkwipmənt, ēˈ-\ noun
 a. : the equipping of a person or thing
  < the development and equipment of a library extension program >
 b. : the state of being equipped
  < the institution did not spring in full maturity and equipment — J.H.Burton >
 a. : the physical resources serving to equip a person or thing
  < funds for buildings and equipment >
  < the vocal equipment of a singer >
  < a new jail became part of the municipal equipmentAmerican Guide Series: Virginia >
  (1) : the implements (as machinery or tools) used in an operation or activity : apparatus
   < where a tractor is standard equipment >
   < sports equipment >
  (2) : all the fixed assets other than land and buildings of a business enterprise
   < the plant, equipment, and supplies of the factory >
  (3) : the rolling stock of a railway
 b. : a collection of such equipment
  < having its own uniform, flag, and … a standardized equipment — S.B.Fay >
 c. : a piece of such equipment
  < manufactured … an air-conditioning equipment for beds — Current Biography >
  < in what a desperate condition the Virginia troops were as regarded clothing and equipments — H.E.Scudder >
 a. : mental or emotional traits or resources
  < prejudice, intolerance, and bigotry … soon become a part of a child's equipmentEpiscopal Churchnews >
  : preparation
  < some knowledge of the facts of biology should be an essential part of the equipment of every educated man — Nineteenth Century & After >
 b. : an aspect of one's mental or emotional makeup : endowment
  < a ready repartee is also a valuable equipment for anyone seeking high office — V.L.Albjerg >
 equipment, apparatus, machinery, paraphernalia, outfit, tackle, gear, matériel can signify, in common, all the things used in a given work or useful in effecting a given end. equipment usually covers everything, except personnel, needed for efficient operation or service, often applying also to human qualities and skills useful in this way
  < the marines took with them full combat equipment, including tanks, artillery, jeeps, trucks, and flamethrowers — Time >
  < other equipment in the park includes tables, benches, and playground apparatus — American Guide Series: Minnesota >
  < the only essential equipment for softball is a bat and a ball — J.H.Shaw >
  < innate equipment of the child (sensory, neural and glandular) — Psychological Abstracts >
  < the heroine, typically named Virginia, has no equipment for life but loveliness and innocence — Carl Van Doren >
  apparatus, a very general term, usually in this connection covers instruments, tools, machines, and appliances used in a craft or profession, or the equipment used in a sport or recreation, or, more generally, any contrivance or device or set of them commonly used in any activity
  < a collection of safecracking apparatus >
  < drill, X-ray machine, and other dental apparatus >
  < punitive apparatus — bilboes, stocks, pillories, and ducking stools — American Guide Series: Massachusetts >
  < she had insisted on leaving in his room the materials and apparatus for a light meal — Arnold Bennett >
  machinery covers all devices, means, or agencies which permit a thing to function or accomplish an end
  < the machinery of criminal identification >
  < the treaty must be given the kind of machinery which will permit it to operate efficiently — New Republic >
  < the machinery of advertising and propaganda — Jerome Stone >
  < the machinery of recruitment — written examinations, interviews, internal promotions or transfers — Times Literary Supplement >
  paraphernalia, sometimes contemptuous in implication, usually suggests a collection of miscellaneous articles or belongings constituting the usual, often necessary, appurtenances of a particular activity or person engaged in it
  < a golden chalice, vestments and cruets, all the paraphernalia for celebrating Mass — Willa Cather >
  < family allowances, maternity grants, and all the paraphernalia of social security — Roy Lewis & Angus Maude >
  < little piles of wheels, strips of unworked iron and steel, blocks of wood, the paraphernalia of the inventor's trade — Sherwood Anderson >
  < the chivalric romances … are of course replete with adventure of every kind: warlike knight-errantry, magic forests and fountains, enchanted castles, magicians, and all the other paraphernalia — R.A.Hall b. 1911 >
  outfit is more colloquially interchangeable with equipment but generally is confined to the personal effects necessary for a given occupation, recreation, function, or type of life
  < a fireman's outfit >
  < a camper's outfit consisting of high boots, poncho, sleeping bag, and cooking utensils >
  < a college girl's outfit >
  < a bride's outfit >
  < a soldier's outfit >
  tackle is colloquially interchangeable with apparatus
  < toothbrush and shaving tackle in the bedroom — Graham Greene >
  or equipment
  < fishing tackle >
  gear may be interchangeable with equipment, often transportable equipment or luggage
  < housekeeping gear — Dorothy C. Fisher >
  < we had a collapsible stage that broke down into boxes and battens and about a ton of gear which travelled with us in a large ancient but very game delivery van — Barry Carman >
  < we gathered together our gear and prepared to make our way back to the railroad station — Thomas Barbour >
  or with outfit, often in specific reference to wearing apparel
  < when cowboy gear became so popular — D.C.Morrill >
 or may signify one's belongings collectively
  < the student immediately stowed all his gear in his new room >
  matériel, confined usually to military or industrial use, is a comprehensive term to designate everything but the personnel
  < a heavy drain on both the manpower and matériel resources — New York Times >
  < the latest developments in artillery matérielCombat Forces Journal >




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