释义 |
en·tente \(ˈ)än.|tänt, (ˈ)äⁿ|tä(ä)ⁿt\ noun (plural ententes \-änts, -ä(ä)ⁿt(s)\) Etymology: French, literally, understanding, from Old French, intent, effort, understanding, from feminine of entent, past participle of entendre to intend, be attentive, perceive, understand — more at intend 1. : a written or unwritten international understanding or agreement providing for or marked by a common course of action or policy in foreign affairs but usually less definite or formally binding than an alliance < it changes the entente into an alliance, and alliances … are not in accordance with our traditions — Edward Grey > 2. : a coalition of parties to an entente < the three powers formed an extremely powerful entente > |