释义 |
crow I. \ˈkrō\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English crowe, from Old English crāwe; akin to Old High German krāwa, krāja crow, Old Saxon krāja, Middle Dutch crā, crāie, Old English crāwan, v. 1. : any of various large usually entirely glossy black birds of Corvus and related genera noted for their alertness and intelligence: as a. : carrion crow b. Britain : the rook represented in different regions by distinct subspecies — see eastern crow c. : the common crow (C. brachyrhynchos) of No. America 2. : any bird of the family Corvidae — used chiefly in combination; see fish crow, hooded crow, piping crow 3. a. : a bar of iron with a beak, crook, or claw; especially : crowbar b. : a yoke applied to a street water main to hold the drill for tapping the main 4. archaic : a grapnel used especially in siege operations 5. obsolete : a door knocker 6. : a slightly violet black seen on a glossy surface 7. : negro — usually taken to be offensive; compare jim crow 8. usually capitalized a. (1) : a Siouan people inhabiting the region between the Platte and Yellowstone rivers — called also Absaroka (2) : a member of such people b. : the language of the Crow people 9. slang : the eagle worn on the sleeves of petty officers of the United States naval forces • - as the crow flies - crow to pull II. verb (crowed \ˈkrōd\ ; also in intransitive verb sense 1 chiefly British crew \ˈkrü\ ; crowed ; crowing ; crows) Etymology: Middle English crowen, from Old English crāwan; akin to Old High German krāen to crow, Middle Low German krēien, Old Slavic grajati to croak, Old English cran crane — more at crane intransitive verb 1. : to make the loud shrill sound characteristic of a cock < the second time the cock crew — Mk 14:72 (Authorized Version) > < a cockerel crew from a blossoming apple bough — W.B.Yeats > 2. archaic : to utter a sound expressive of joy or pleasure (as of a baby or child) 3. a. : to shout especially in exultation, exuberance, or defiance < 550 people who had crowded into the old New Orleans dance hall … stamped and crowed — Time > b. : exult < crowing over a recent success > c. : brag < crow over one's ancestors > < he had nothing to crow about > transitive verb : to greet or wake by crowing — often used with up < roosters crowing the sleeping barnyard up > Synonyms: see boast III. noun (-s) 1. : the cry of the cock < an old cock … with … a faltering crow — W.M.Thackeray > 2. : a triumphant cry : an exultant outburst < she gave a little crow of happiness and gaiety — Charles Reade > IV. noun (-s) Etymology: perhaps by folk etymology from Dutch kroos, from Middle Dutch croos intestine; akin to Middle High German krœse, Old High German chrōse, a kind of fritter, Middle High German krūs curly — more at crouse : the mesentery of an animal especially when used as food V. transitive verb : to say with self-satisfaction |