单词 | embarrass |
释义 | em·bar·rass 1. a. < the Government was again embarrassed from within party ranks by a political speech — Current Biography > < too often preciosity and aimless verbiage embarrass the thought and confuse the emotion — Mathurin Dondo > b. < we believe the company will be seriously embarrassed if it does not get this loan > < heavy gambling losses embarrassed him for years > < the estate was embarrassed by the prospect of heavy death duties > c. < their frank discussion of his looks embarrassed the boy > < it embarrasses many people to walk into a room full of strangers > d. < his digestion was embarrassed by overeating and irregular hours > or the function of (a bodily part) < the congestion of pneumonia embarrasses the lungs > 2. < a man who refused to let physical handicaps embarrass him > often < embarrassed our freedom of movement > < our progress was embarrassed by mountains of baggage > < they counted on the spring rains to embarrass the advance of the enemy > 3. < a course of legislation had prevailed … which weakened the confidence of man in man, and embarrassed all transactions between individuals — John Marshall > < the courts … were not established to … enable a few to harass and embarrass sovereign action by the government — F.D.Roosevelt > Synonyms: < in immense flood of litigation, which seriously embarrassed the courts — T.F.T. Plucknett > < the problems of food, shelter, and sanitation for the impoverished veterans embarrassed Washington, and there was latent danger of disorder — J.M.Hanson > < the southern housewife is not unduly embarrassed by an unexpected guest — American Guide Series: North Carolina > discomfit implies hampering or frustrating and also chagrining, causing loss of self-possession, and confusing < Bradley's polemical irony and his obvious zest in using it, his habit of discomfiting an opponent with a sudden profession of ignorance, or inability to understand, or of incapacity for abstruse thought — T.S.Eliot > < she may heckle the dealer, add a running commentary to the demonstrations, or just assume a discomfiting smugness — Fortune > abash suggests the calling up of feelings of shyness, unworthiness, diffidence, shame, and loss of self-pride through some vexation or check < she would feel abashed before any woman who had not been rejected like herself — Rebecca West > < as abashed as a child interrupted in his game of make-believe — Rudyard Kipling > disconcert implies a bringing about of confused uncertainty and hesitation in proceeding or of loss of composure and assurance < I was disconcerted to find that they were locked. I stood there irresolute and uneasy like a baffled thief — Joseph Conrad > < watched the beautiful young man with her solemn unwinking stare that disconcerted self-conscious people — Rose Macaulay > rattle suggests an utter loss of poise, composure, and accustomed control of a situation, along with disorganization of wonted mental powers < that means that Freddy is rattled out of his senses — John Buchan > < rattled by hypothetical eyes spying upon her — Jean Stafford > < when other advisers became rattled, Mr. Adams was calm — Tris Coffin > faze applies to loss of assurance, face, and confidence brought about by a check, retort, sudden difficulty < it hit Marciano flush on the right side of the jaw, but it didn't seem to faze him a bit — A.J.Liebling > < he had ice water in his veins. Nothing fazed him, not insult or anger or violence or getting his face beat into a hamburger — R.P.Warren > |
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