单词 | puzzle |
释义 | puz·zle I. transitive verb 1. obsolete < more puzzled than the Egyptians in their fog — Shakespeare > 2. a. < puzzle my sad brains about life — L.P.Smith > b. < a malignant fever which puzzled the doctors — John Buchan > < are often puzzled and sometimes annoyed by the ways of other peoples who are strange to us — W.A.Parker > 3. archaic < disentangle from the puzzled skein — William Cowper > 4. < teen-age boys who puzzle their way through geometry — Newsweek > intransitive verb 1. a. < we puzzled for two moons about where to put you — Nora Waln > b. < I puzzled over her words and sought to attach to them some intelligent meaning — Rafael Sabatini > 2. < puzzled about in his desk for the missing file of letters > Synonyms: < the questions which doubtless puzzle most of us — Town Journal > < the secret of the enigma that puzzled me — L.P.Smith > < it was the riddle of life that was puzzling and killing her — Arnold Bennett > < why more visitors to South America do not take this memorable river trip mystifies my wife and me — L.A.Keating > < once prescriptions were written almost altogether in Latin. This was not done to mystify the patient — Morris Fishbein > < historical paraphernalia with which to mystify their unsuspecting clients — American Guide Series: New York > perplex and bewilder add the ideas of uncertainty and, often, worry to that of puzzlement, bewilder implying a consequent and usually complete intellectual disorder < on their arrival they were perplexed by radical differences in language, customs, and environment — American Guide Series: Rhode Island > < Gates was greatly perplexed to know what to do — H.E.Scudder > < they were perplexed, vexed and worried — Ernie Pyle > < textbooks in bewildering variety confronted the pioneer teacher — American Guide Series: Washington > < the bewildering confusion of our times — Matthew Arnold > < a character bewildered by a confusion of values — R.B.West > distract suggests the perturbation of an uncertain though not necessarily puzzled or bewildered mind, implying, rather, strongly conflicting preoccupations or interests < his fury is that of a temporarily distracted boy — Walter Goodman > < a man distracted between two spiritual homes — Time > < the conflict of races and religions which had so long distracted the island — T.B.Macaulay > nonplus suggests a blankness of mind often attendant upon complete bafflement < the pilots write: — “It was imperative that we should not find ourselves nonplussed in an emergency in the air …” — Times Literary Supplement > < the problem which nonplusses the wisest heads on this planet … What is reality? — L.P.Smith > < she was utterly nonplussed by the pair of them … What on earth were they? — Elizabeth Goudge > confound implies a mental confusion attendant upon astonishment or complete abashment < professional critics … should be confounded by the book's evidence of careful research — Beka Doherty > < someone who can furnish him with the sort of evidence of the authenticity of his picture that would satisfy a special juryman and confound a purchasing dealer — Clive Bell > dumbfound may be interchangeable with confound but usually suggests a stronger effect, a confounding to the point of mental paralysis or wonderment < to be so dumbfounded as to be unable to speak for a moment > < apparently too dumbfounded by the insane assault to interfere seriously — Al Newman > < his schoolmates are astonished; his fellow-soldiers are dumbfounded — J.M.Brinnin > II. 1. < the transition from a state of puzzle and perplexity to rational comprehension — William James > 2. a. < it is more a puzzle than a comfort to see those children growing so fine and straight — Claudia Cassidy > < this young man was an unaccountable puzzle — J.H.Powers > b. Synonyms: see mystery |
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