释义 |
pur·chase I. \-chəs\ verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Middle English purchacen, from Old French porchacier, purchacier to seek to obtain, from por, pur, pour for (modification — perhaps influenced by Latin per through — of Latin pro for) + chacier to pursue, chase — more at for, chase transitive verb 1. a. archaic : to get into one's possession : gain, acquire < your accent is something finer than you could purchase in so removed a dwelling — Shakespeare > b. : to acquire (real estate) by any means other than descent or inheritance c. archaic : to obtain (as a license) from authority d. : to obtain (as merchandise) by paying money or its equivalent : buy for a price < purchased a new suit > e. : to obtain (something desired) by an outlay (as of labor, danger, sacrifice) < purchase one's life at the expense of one's honor > : win, earn < his place was dearly purchased > 2. obsolete : to cause to occur : effect, procure 3. a. : to haul in or up with or as if with a mechanical device or rope b. : to apply to (as something to be moved or lifted) a device for obtaining a mechanical advantage : get a purchase upon or apply a purchase to; also : to move (as a cannon) by a purchase 4. a. obsolete : to serve as a ransom for b. : to constitute the means or medium for buying (something) < our dollars purchase less each year > < expert flattery may purchase an honest man > intransitive verb 1. a. obsolete : to acquire wealth or property b. : to make a purchase or purchases : buy 2. obsolete : to exert oneself : expend effort toward some end II. noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English purchas, porchas, from Old French, from porchacier to purchase 1. : an act or instance of purchasing: as a. obsolete (1) : the taking or seizing of prey (as in hunting) (2) : the taking of something into one's possession violently or with force of arms : plundering, pillage b. obsolete : the seeking, procuring, or taking into possession of something : acquisition; also : an act of instigating : contrivance c. : the acquiring of lands or tenements by any means other than descent or inheritance d. : the acquiring of title to or property in anything for a price : a buying for money or its equivalent < the purchase of shares in a business > 2. a. (1) : something gotten into one's possession by any means honest or dishonest : gain, booty; especially : the prize of a privateer (2) : something obtained for a price in money or its equivalent < showed her purchases with pride > b. (1) : annual yield in rent (2) : value or potentiality for use or service in something or the hypothetical or figurative cash value of such or of a specified increment of such < a life not worth a day's purchase > c. : something bought considered with reference to its price or value : bargain, buy < will find him a dearer purchase than she thought > < a good purchase > 3. chiefly Scotland : means of acquiring property : resources 4. a. (1) : a mechanical hold or advantage applied to the raising or moving of heavy bodies (as by a lever, tackle, capstan) (2) : an apparatus or device by which the advantage is gained (as a pulley tackle) b. (1) : an advantage used in applying one's power in any effort (2) : position or means of exerting power 5. : an unorganized minor territorial division in New Hampshire consisting of land that was originally laid off and sold by the state to an individual or individuals |