

单词 drive
释义 drive
I. \ˈdrīv\ verb
(drove \ˈdrōv\ ; or archaic drave \ˈdrāv\ ; or dialect driv \ˈdriv\ ; or druv \ˈdrəv\ ; driv·en \ˈdrivən also -ivəm or -ibəm\ ; or archaic drove or dialect driv or druv ; driv·ing \ˈdrīviŋ\ ; drives \ˈdrīvz\)
Etymology: Middle English driven, from Old English drīfan; akin to Old High German trīban to drive, Old Norse drīfa to dash (said of spray), Gothic dreiban to drive, and perhaps to Lithuanian dribti to fall in mushy flakes (said of snow)
transitive verb
1. : to set and keep in motion or in action through application of some amount of force:
 a. : to impart an onward or forward motion to by expenditure of physical force : propel
  < he slammed the door and drove the bolt home >
  < cheerily drove his pen afresh — George Meredith >
  < as white as the driven snow >
  < the trade winds drive the equatorial currents >
  < driving his canoe onto the beach >
 b. : to impart violent motion or great impetus to : hurl, thrust, plunge, or press irresistibly — used with a following preposition or adverb indicating the direction
  < a tackler should drive his body so as to hit the ballcarrier just above the knees >
  < he drove the muzzle hard into the man's face — Max Peacock >
 specifically : vaporize — used with off
  < heat will drive off the quicksilver >
 c. : to urge along (as cattle) guiding and often goading
  < cowboys drove herds north >
  < prisoners were driven onto barges >
 d. : to cause to penetrate with force
  < as a man would drive a nail — J.G.Frazer >
  : plunge forcibly
  < I drove my sword through his heart — Padraic Colum >
 e. : to direct hostile force or a strong offensive movement against : exert strong effective pressure against — used with a separative expression
  < many attempts to drive the British out of Egypt >
  < the task of driving the invaders back across the border >
  < with the German eagle driven from the seas — R.W.Van Alstyne >
  < the noise would drive you out of the place — Ellwood Kirby >
 f. : to constrain to go or to remove by reason of superior authority or influence or because of circumstantial pressure (as political or economic)
  < engaged in a long attempt to drive Burr from public life — Nathan Schachner >
  < this wetback competition annually drives thousands of Texans as far north as Oregon in search of work — D.L.Graham >
 also : to force the removal or banishment of
  < radio has driven the newspaper extra from the streets >
 g. : to supply with motive power
  < machines driven by clockwork >
  < whether it was being driven as a generator or was running as a motor — F.A.Annett >
  : set or keep in operation
  < drove their mills with water power >
 a. : to direct the motions and course of (a draft animal)
 b. : navigate
  < drive a watercraft >
 c. : to operate the controls of (a locomotive) or to operate the mechanism and controls and direct the course of (as a motor vehicle or speedboat)
 d. : to convey in a vehicle
  < he had to drive his produce to market before daylight >
 e. : to guide a vehicle along or through
  < drove the river road in all kinds of weather >
  < drove creek beds and sidehills to reach his backcountry patients >
 f. : to own and use (as an automobile of an indicated kind)
  < he always drove a sedan >
 g. : to float (logs) down a stream
 a. : to carry on or carry through energetically
  < shipowners were driving a roaring trade in oriental ports >
 b. : to carry through to a conclusion or to completion in spite of hindrances
  < they will not give up their bargaining advantage without driving a hard bargain politically — Cecil Hobbs >
 specifically : to lay out and construct by the methods of engineering
  < superhighway being driven across the state >
 c. : to build (a highway, canal, railroad) along a projected course
4. : to subject to effective pressure or compulsion to act in a certain way or to submit to a certain condition: as
 a. : to exert inescapable or coercive pressure on (a person) : motivate or incite irresistibly : coerce, constrain, oblige — used often with a following preposition or infinitive indicating the direction of constraint
  < hunger drove him to steal >
  < to make us believe that his characters are fellow beings driven by their own passions and idiosyncracies — Virginia Woolf >
  < he used only persuasion, for he knew she could not be driven >
  < a wayward genius who is driven to incredible writing feats by pressure of debts — Leslie Rees >
  < economic insecurity that drives young people into vocational training — A.W.Griswold >
 b. : to oblige to suffer or have recourse to a mood or mental state
  < to what depths of bitterness she had been driven — Herbert Read >
  < continuing pressure of the unsolved problem drives the society … to a precipitate and spurious defense mechanism — Weston La Barre >
 specifically : to compel to undergo or suffer a change of state
  < driven desperate by the pressures of drab life — Evelyn Eaton >
  < a stupid cocotte who has begun by driving him mad with jealousy — Edmund Wilson >
 c. : to urge relentlessly to continuous exertion
  < he drives them hard with five-mile runs before breakfast — Harry Gordon >
  < I have been ruthlessly driven — hence this silence — H.J.Laski >
  : press or spur to greater intensity of determined striving
  < a tired spirit driving body and nerves to an effort they were crying to avoid — Fred Majdalany >
  < believed men were driven hardest by ambition — M.A.Kline >
  < he lacked the will that drives one to disregard human factors, to crush all who opposed him >
 d. : to press or force (something) inflexibly into a certain activity, course, direction, or state
  < forces which had driven the tide of population across the Alleghenies — R.A.Billington >
  < discipline required to drive the bill through congress >
  < advised against driving the party underground >
 specifically : to subject to pressure to bring about change either up or down
  < going to try to drive interest rates down which meant driving up the capital value of existing loans — Harold Wincott >
 e. : to project, inject, or impress incisively
  < only a few are willing to drive this doctrine straight through to its logical conclusion — Clinton Rossiter >
  < the basic point at last is driven solidly home in a 56-page booklet — R.D.Darrell >
  < the laconic or sententious phrase to drive home and imbed what might otherwise be lost or scattered — B.N.Cardozo >
 f. : to cause (something intangible) to dissipate or vanish decisively through the pressure of some moving power or influence
  < as the corroborative detail drove doubts from his mind — T.B.Costain >
  < a sad day for the United States if the tradition of dissent were driven out of the universities — J.B.Conant >
 specifically : to dispel and replace
  < resolved that sound Latin … should drive out, for literary purposes, the Italian vernaculars and medieval Latin — G.C.Sellery >
5. archaic : bring
 < drive bad luck >
: cast
 < drive not the fault on him — Robert Bridges †1930 >
 a. obsolete : to cause to pass
  < drive the tedious hours away — John Dryden >
 b. : protract, defer
  < drive bedtime >
7. obsolete : to conclude from premises : deduce
 a. obsolete : to pursue (game) as a hunter
 b. : to cause (as game animals) to move in a desired direction (as toward waiting hunters)
  < beaters drove the birds toward the guns >
 also : to drive game in (a particular place)
  < we will drive the small woods by the stream tomorrow >
  — compare stalk, walk up
 c. obsolete : to clear or strip (as a region) of animals or other property; also : to drive off : seize
  < drive animals >
 a. : to advance (as a tunnel or a horizontal or upwardly inclined mine passage) by cutting and excavating
 b. : produce
  < drive a well >
10. : to propel (an object of play) swiftly (as by a powerful stroke or throw):
 a. : to strike (a bowled cricket ball) with the bat so as to propel in a forward direction
 b. : to send (a croquet ball) to some desired position by striking another ball held in contact
 c. : to play (a golf ball) from the tee especially with a full stroke made with a driver
 d. : to hit (a tennis ball) on the bounce with a below-shoulder-level swing and with top spin — distinguished from chop, slice, and volley
 e. : to return (a shuttlecock) with a low hard shot parallel to the ground — compare smash
 f. : to cause (a run or runner) to be scored in baseball especially by making a hit — usually used with in
 g. : to force (a billiard ball) to strike one or more cushions and return to the desired position for the next shot
intransitive verb
 a. : to dash, plunge, or surge ahead rapidly or violently
  < the halfback drove through the line >
  < he drove rudely past her into the room — E.F.McGuire >
 b. : to rush along thrusting or striking with force against any obstruction
  < he crossed the river in the midst of driving ice >
  < a meteor driving toward the earth >
  < the slanting rain, which drove faster every minute — Ellen Glasgow >
 c. : to press a hostile attack
  < the division drove some 400 miles >
 d. : to penetrate with force
  < the harpoon drove deep >
2. : to move to leeward or with the tide out of control by rudder, sail, or engines; also : to carry excessive sail
3. : to launch a blow or missile or discharge a bullet — often used with a following at and a preceding let
 < just as a snarling Queen's Ranger drove at him — F.V.W.Mason >
 < he then seized the shotgun and let drive with both barrels >
 a. : to strive determinedly on a course or toward an objective
  < try to drive toward a generalization and a hypothesis — Lionel Trilling >
  < driving through obstacles — Time >
  < the decision to drive ahead with all speed for the manufacture of the hydrogen bomb — W.H.Chamberlin >
 also : to make a strong effort
  < the justices are driving hard to clean up pending cases — Christian Science Monitor >
 b. : to spur oneself or others to strenuous effort or to greater intensity of physical or mental exertion
  < even after reaching the top he continues to drive >
 a. : to guide a horse-drawn vehicle
 b. : to operate and steer a motor vehicle
  < road signs warning motorists to drive slow >
 c. : to have oneself carried in a vehicle
  < I drove there with a friend and flew back by myself >
6. archaic : to levy a distress to obtain satisfaction of a claim for rent : distrain
7. : to drive a mine passage
8. : to drive an object of play (as a golf ball)
9. : to perform music with a strong rhythmic impulse : play with momentum
Synonyms: see move

- drive at
II. noun
1. : an act of driving:
 a. : a short trip in a vehicle (as a carriage or automobile) wholly or partly under one's control as distinguished from a vehicle (as a train) under the control of another
  < an afternoon drive along the lakefront >
  < a 2-hour drive to the next city >
 b. : an overland journey in a vehicle especially along a highway for a long distance
  < a cross-state drive >
  < the third day's drive became wearisome >
 c. : an urging and gathering together of animals (as cattle or sheep) from a wide area; also : the animals gathered for capture, slaughter, or branding
 d. : a driving of cattle or sheep overland
  < the long drive lingered only in the memories and imaginations of old cowhands — D.B.Davis >
 e. : a hunt or shoot in which the game is driven within range past the weapons of hunters; also : the mass of animals so driven
 f. : the guiding of logs downstream to a mill; also : the floating logs amassed in a drive
  (1) : the act or an instance of driving an object of play (as a ball)
   < the drive is called the basic scoring shot in cricket >
   < a low drive that hit the net >
  (2) : the flight of a hard-hit ball or shuttlecock
   < his solid drives range between 220 and 240 yards >
 h. : the forward thrust or propulsive force of a boat under way
 i. Britain : a stately or ceremonious public procession
 a. : a private road for vehicles affording access to a residence or other buildings
  < the house stands at the end of a long drive surrounded by spacious lawns and gardens — American Guide Series: Florida >
  : driveway 2
 b. : a road for leisure driving especially in a park or along a scenic route
  < the highway now skirts the lakeshore with all the fresh beauty of a seacoast driveAmerican Guide Series: Vermont >
 c. : an urban street or boulevard
  < Morningside Drive overlooking the Hudson >
3. : a tract over which game is driven : the site of an organized hunt
4. : an offensive, aggressive, or expansionist move
 < in the path of the Soviet drive toward the Adriatic — H.C.Wolfe >
 < both touchdowns capped long drives >
especially : a strong military attack against enemy-held terrain
 < a swift nine-month drive from the Normandy bridgehead … across France and Germany and into Austria — Current Biography >
5. : the state of being hurried and under pressure
 < elude the ruthless drive of work and worry — S.H.Adams >
 < I am in such a drive that I can't expatiate — H.J.Laski >
6. : a driven mine passage or tunnel
7. : strike 14
8. : a systematic effort strenuously participated in by a group or organized by a group and insistently urged upon a community or a nation toward attainment of a certain objective or furtherance of some special design : an intensive campaign
 < an annual drive for membership in the league >
 < a propaganda drive aimed at undermining our prestige abroad >
 < sparked drives that raised many hundreds of thousands of dollars for veterans' hospitals and … relief — J.A.Morris b. 1904 >
 < the drive for national independence has had a long history in Indochina — Cecil Hobbs >
9. : a progressive game (as of whist or bridge)
10. : inciting or impelling character or quality:
 a. : an urgent basic or instinctual need pressing for satisfaction : a physiological tension, lack, or imbalance (as a state of hunger or thirst) impelling the organism to activity
  < those sexual drives which are such a fertile source of conflict among most vertebrates — Ralph Linton >
  < habits attached to the hunger drive >
 also : a tendency or disposition to act following or as a result of a deprivation or need
 b. : a powerfully impelling culturally acquired concern, interest, or longing that incites one to unremitting action
  < possessed with a drive for perfection — Time >
  < the integrating drive or disposition that gives a life history its continuity or a personality its consistency and integrity — H.J.Muller >
  < a prisoner of the old national and imperialist drivesPartisan Review >
  < “Asia for the Asians” … represents the drive of millions upon millions of people — W.O.Douglas >
 c. : dynamic quality marked by initiative, promptness of decision, abundance of concentrated energy, and indomitable persistence in carrying through an undertaking toward accomplishment : vigorous enterprise : the amount of energy and persistence evidenced in a given activity : élan, push
  < his drive and enthusiasm overcame all obstacles — Times Literary Supplement >
  < a tremendous energy drive that keeps him in a constant state of high gear — Martin Gardner >
  < the city had lost … the surging drive that supposedly was so characteristically American — Harold Sinclair >
  < concerned with the dynamic core of a society, its central impulse and drive — Charles Maughan >
 d. : a quality of sustained vitality and intensity of expression in intellectual or artistic composition or performance
  < he developed irresistible drive in the performance of plays — Sheldon Cheney >
  < a stronger drive in the big climaxes — Irving Kolodin >
 e. : dramatic intensity and suspensiveness that captures attention
 f. : a strong rhythmic impulse communicated in musical performance
 a. : the means for giving motion to a machine or machine part
  < belt drive >
  < electric drive >
 also : a method of driving machines
  < a group drive >
 b. : the means by which the propulsive power of an automobile is applied to the road
  < front-wheel drive >
  < four-wheel drive >
 c. : the means by which the propulsion of an automotive vehicle is controlled and directed
  < a left-hand drive >
 also : the place where the operator sits to drive
  < an enclosed drive >
12. : the pressure that causes oil or other fluid to enter a well from the surrounding rock strata
 < water drive >
 < gas-cap drive >
13. : an offering of goods at a low price (as in reducing inventory)
Synonyms: see vigor
III. adjective
: used in or for driving : serving to drive : impelling
 < a drive chain >
IV. verb

- drive home
V. noun
: a device including an electric motor and heads or a laser for reading or writing on magnetic or optical media (as tapes or disks)




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