

单词 cover
释义 cov·er
I. \ˈkəvə(r)\ verb
(covered ; covered ; covering \ˈkəv(ə)riŋ, -rēŋ\ ; covers)
Etymology: Middle English coveren, from Old French covrir, from Latin cooperire, from co- + operire to cover, from (assumed) Latin opverire, from Latin op- (akin to Latin ob to, before, against) + (assumed) Latin verire to cover — more at epi-, weir
transitive verb
 a. : to guard from attack : protect by interposition as a defending element : guard the safety and further the success of by aggressive action precluding attack
  < units covering the retreat of the main army >
  < ships covering approaches to the harbor >
  < covering the landing with a naval bombardment >
  (1) : to serve as a defense unit or center for : have within the range of one's guns : command
   < forts covering the city >
   < artillery covering the channel >
  (2) : to have within direct range of an aimed or drawn firearm
   < the deputy covered the wounded gangster >
  (3) : to protect by being in position and readiness to fire at a possible attacker
   < the others in the patrol were covering the leader >
  (1) : to afford protection or security to typically by means of some stated provision : insure against a specified risk : guarantee indemnification to
   < a policy covering the traveler in all kinds of accidents >
   < cover teachers by the retirement plan >
  (2) : to afford protection against or compensation or indemnification for
   < cover any storm losses >
   < cover loss of time due to illness >
  (3) : to protect (oneself) against the consequences of possible loss or incrimination
   < they felt themselves to be exposed to unnecessary risk, and they started to cover themselves — Roy Lewis & Angus Maude >
   < cover himself with an alibi >
  (1) : to guard (as an opponent) in order to obstruct a play
   < covering the ends on a forward pass >
   < keeping the wings covered in hockey >
  (2) : to station oneself so as to be able to receive a throw to (a base in baseball)
   < the pitcher covered first on the bunt >
  (1) : to guard against or make provision for (a demand or charge) by means of a reserve stock or deposit
   < a balance to cover the check >
   < money to cover his debts >
  (2) : to maintain a check on by patrolling or watching
   < motorcycle police covering the roads >
  (3) : to protect by contrivance or expedient
   < otherwise slavers could cover themselves by that flag with impunity — S.F.Bemis >
  (1) : to hide from sight or knowledge : prevent observation or knowledge of : divert attention from : conceal the impression of by a device for masking : conceal
   < a show of his old arrogance to cover his embarrassment — Agnes S. Turnbull >
   < the shrewd purpose, covered over with pretentious rhetoric — V.L.Parrington >
  (2) : to conceal or mask as blameworthy or illicit
   < fanaticism covers a weakness of moral position — Weston La Barre >
   — often used with up or over
   < cover up a scandal >
   < covering up his own lack of trust >
  (3) : to divert attention from (another who is engaged in something criminal or unethical)
  (4) : to obliterate from knowledge or remembrance (as through complete forgiveness)
   < blessed is he … whose sin is covered — Ps 32:1 (Authorized Version) >
  (5) : to block (an actor or a stage property) from being seen by an audience or photographed by a camera
  (6) : make vt 13b
  (7) : blanket II 3d
 b. : to envelope or lie over or around so as to present an ornamental, disguising, or protecting exterior
  < all that beauty that doth cover thee — Shakespeare >
3. : to put, lay, or spread something over, on, or before (as for protecting, enclosing, or masking) : overlay
 < covering the seed bed with straw >
 < covering the bruise with salve >
 a. : to lie over : spread over : be placed on or often over the whole surface of : envelope, film, coat
  < snow covering the highways >
  < new paint covering the old >
  < covered with oil >
  < a badly wounded man covered with blood >
 b. : to extend thickly over conspicuously or dominatingly : abound over : occupy the whole surface of
  < locusts covering the plains >
  < armadas covering the sea >
  < invaders covering the land >
 c. : to appear here and there on the surface of : dot, dapple — usually used with with
  < a resort area covered with lakes >
  — often in Brit. use with in
  < the backs of his huge hands were covered in thick black hair — George Bellairs >
5. : to protect or conceal (one's body or a part of it) from view typically with an article of clothing or bedding
 < cover her nakedness >
 < cover your head >
 < cover your mouth while coughing >
6. : to equip with a cover : place or set a cover over permanently or temporarily
 < cover a book with leather >
 < cover a couch with mohair >
 < cover a pan with a lid >
7. : to put a surface layer over usually completely
 < a tent covered with skins >
 < covering the old roof with new shingles >
 < covering the page with ink >
 a. : to fill (a blank surface) completely
  < covering the sheet of paper with marks >
  < covering the silk with embroidery >
 b. : to spread a cloth over in preparing to serve a meal
9. : to rise above and immerse
 < floodwaters covering the town >
 < enough water to cover the vegetables >
 a. : to copulate with (a female) : serve — usually used of an animal (as a horse)
  < a horse covers a mare >
 b. : to sit on and incubate (eggs) : brood
11. : to bring upon or earn for (a person) a large or excessive amount of something usually immaterial
 < covered with shame at his failure >
 < covers himself with glory in the battle >
 a. : to play a higher-ranking card immediately after or on (a previously played card)
  < North covered West's jack with the queen >
 b. : to be higher in rank than (the previously played card)
  < the king from the dummy covered the queen led by East >
 a. : to have width or scope enough to include or embrace
  < an examination covering the year's work >
  < we must remember that no laws can be provided to cover every contingency — F.D.Roosevelt >
 b. : to comprise, include, or embrace in an effective scope of treatment or operation
  < policy clauses covering the situation >
  < plans covering unexpected enemy attacks >
14. : to subsume in an overall class, significance, or meaning
 < people are so intensely for anything covered by the word democratic — M.R.Cohen >
 < a formula which should cover everything I wished to include — T.S.Eliot >
15. : to treat or deal with; often : discuss
 < material covered in the first chapter >
 < a talk covering an important question >
 a. : to serve often with scope or inclusiveness in an indicated or expected way
  < bus lines covering the area >
  : operate in
 b. : to have (a locality or a group of persons) as one's territory or field of activity (as in selling the merchandise or promoting the interests of a company or in rendering social or business service)
  < one salesman covers the whole state >
 a. : to pass over at an indicated speed : journey through while executing one's mission : travel, traverse
  < covering 10 miles that day >
  < covering the distance to the city in two hours >
  < prospectors who covered this range >
 b. : to be found over or in : inhabit
  < tribes that cover these areas >
 c. : to travel to or through as a sightseer : visit as a sightseer
  < covering three states in two days >
  < the trip covered the museum that afternoon >
18. : to be adequate to defray or compensate : defray the cost of : pay for : balance
 < a reserve fund to cover unexpected expenses >
 < a special grant to cover the research program >
19. : to place one's money or stake upon or in equal jeopardy with (the money or stake of one's opponent) in a bet : answer to (a similar offer or challenge) : accept an offered bet by (a person)
20. : to extend a treatment over : range in treatment through or over
 < a series of medical examinations covering three weeks >
 < a novel covering three generations >
21. : to buy securities or commodities for delivery against (an earlier short sale)
 < covering his shorts >
 < cover his sales >
22. : to report news about : investigate, watch, and check on for newsworthy material : be responsible for information about : take news pictures of
 < reporters and radio commentators covering the campaign >
23. : to extend over (an indicated area)
 < a park covering 50 acres >
intransitive verb
 a. obsolete : to spread a table for a meal
 b. : to put one's hat back on after having stood bareheaded
2. : to spread over a surface
 < this paint covers well >
3. : to buy stocks or commodities for delivery on a date fixed by a previously contracted sale
 < covering at a loss >
 a. : to guard a player, play, or position (as in basketball)
 b. : to play a higher-ranking card on a lower-ranking one
5. of a bird or mammal : to become covered with feathers or hair (as after a molt)
 a. : to conceal something illicit, blameworthy, or embarrassing from notice : prevent one from being censured for error, laxity, or omission — usually used with up
  < cover up for a careless friend >
 b. : to act as a substitute or replacement to prevent loss or disaster during an absence
  < a fire company covering for another answering a call >
  < a stand-in covering for an injured star >
 c. : to assume a defensive position (as in boxing) that protects the face and midriff — often used with up
  < the challenger covered up >

- cover one's tracks
- cover the ground
II. noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English, from coveren to cover
1. : something that protects, shelters, or guards
 < run for cover when the fight starts >
  (1) : a place of natural shelter for an animal or bird especially when sought as game
   < foxes in a cover >
  (2) : the factors that provide natural shelter and protection for wild animals (as suitable arrangements of vegetation, denning sites, or rock formations)
  (3) : plants and their residues covering the ground and retarding runoff and erosion of soil
  (1) : a position or situation affording protection from enemy fire
   < as the gunners ducked behind cover — C.S.Forester >
   < the platoon sergeant crawls and slithers from cover to cover — Burtt Evans >
   < cover and concealment >
  (2) : the protection offered by aircraft in tactical support of a military operation
   < landing on the beach under heavy air cover >
  (1) : a deposit or sum of money sufficient to secure against loss or to meet an obligation
  (2) : insurance coverage
  (1) : cover point
  (2) covers plural : cover point and extra cover point
   < a drive through the covers >
2. : something that is placed over or about another thing : something that covers:
 a. : lid, top
  < a box cover >
  (1) : a binding or case for a book or the comparable outer part of a pamphlet or magazine; also : either rectangular portion of this cover extending from the backbone and forming the front or the back
   < front cover >
  (2) : jacket 3f (1)
 c. : an overlay or outer layer especially for protection
  < a mattress cover >
  (1) [translation of French couvert] : a tablecloth and the other table fittings; especially : the table fittings for use of one person at a meal
   < covers were laid for 50 guests >
  (2) : cover charge
 e. : copulation : an act of covering — usually used of animals (as horses)
 f. : roof
  < exhibits under cover >
  (1) : a cloth used on a bed for warmth or for decoration (as a quilt, blanket, bedspread, or coverlet)
  (2) : bedclothes for covering a person in bed — usually used in plural
 h. Britain : an automobile tire tread
 i. : something that covers the ground:
  (1) : vegetation
   < a thick forest cover in these areas >
  (2) : snow especially for skiing
   < the lodge area had a good cover >
 j. : a large shallow salt pan with a movable roof used for making salt from brine by evaporation in the sun
 k. : cover stone
 l. : the overburden or cap rock above a deposit (as of ore, oil, or coal)
 m. : full obscuration of the sky by clouds : the extent to which clouds obscure the sky
  < clear weather with only 1/10 cover >
3. : something that conceals or obscures : concealment: as
 a. : the total factors making for hiding or obscuring
  < a crime committed under cover of darkness >
 b. : a masking device or pretext : screen, guise
  < the club was a cover for a subversive group >
  < we may admit that our conventional morality often serves as a cover for hypocrisy and selfishness — Lucius Garvin >
  < under cover of altruism he took greedy advantage of the wartime misfortunes — Ann F. Wolfe >
  < a spy with a cover name >
  (1) : an envelope or wrapper that contains or has contained mail matter
  (2) : an envelope, wrapper, letter sheet, or postal card bearing stamp and postmark or other markings showing that it has passed through the mails — see flown cover, stampless
 a. : the uniform appearance of plain closely woven goods with threads evenly spaced
 b. : the nap on fabric
5. : the whole width of a horseshoe
 < a shoe with a cover of 6 inches >

- from cover to cover
- off cover
- on cover
- under cover
III. transitive verb
: to record or perform a cover of (a song)
IV. noun
or cover version
: a recording or performance of a song originally done by another performer or aimed at a defferent market




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