释义 |
prog·nos·ti·ca·tion \(ˌ)prägˌnästəˈkāshən sometimes prəg-\ noun (-s) Etymology: after. (influenced by Medieval Latin prognosticatio) of Middle English pronosticacioun, from Middle French pronostication, from Medieval Latin prognostication-, prognosticatio, from prognosticatus + Latin -ion-, -io -ion 1. : a manifestation of something that is to happen : an indication in advance : foretoken < if an oily palm be not a fruitful prognostication — Shakespeare > 2. a. : an act, the fact, or the power of prognosticating : a prediction of something to come : forecast, prophecy < the tremendous breadth of his vision … as evidenced by his prognostications and their eventual fulfillment — F.S.Crafford > b. : a premonition of something that is to or may happen : foreboding 3. : prognosis 1a |