

单词 draconian
释义 dra·co·ni·an
\(ˈ)drā|kōnēən, drəˈk-\ adjective
Usage: often capitalized
Etymology: Latin Dracon-, Draco fl 621 B.C. Athenian lawgiver (from Greek Drakōn) + English -ian
1. : of, relating to, or suggestive of the lawgiver Draco or the severe code of laws that is said to have been framed by him as thesmothete
2. : marked by extreme severity or cruelty : harsh, rigorous
 < emancipation at the price of a ruinous war and a Draconian peace — G.W.Johnson >
 < by draconian labor laws … the regime makes life harder than it need be — F.C.Barghoorn >




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