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dome I. \ˈdōm\ noun (-s) Etymology: French, Italian, & Latin; French dôme dome, cathedral, from Italian duomo cathedral, from Medieval Latin domus church, from Latin, house — more at timber 1. a. archaic : a stately building : mansion b. : resort, retreat — used especially with pleasure < the pleasure domes of Reno or Las Vegas — Jack Goodman > 2. : a vaulted circular roof or ceiling 3. obsolete : a cathedral church 4. : a natural formation, a structure, or a projecting part arched and rounded that has some resemblance to a cupola or vaulted ceiling of a building: a. : the upper part of a reverberatory furnace b. : the roof of a vaulted cavern c. : a rounded mountaintop or vast mound of ice d. : an overhanging hemispherical space or area < the sun seeming to hang in a coppery dome > < projected on the dome of the planetarium > e. : the vertical chamber on the top of a steam boiler or of a tank car f. : the hemispherical or cylindrical roof of an astronomical observatory providing for rotation of the observing slit to any part of the sky g. (1) : a glass-enclosed compartment built into the roof of a railroad car to permit upper-deck passengers an unobstructed view in every direction < adopted the dome car as standard equipment > (2) : astrodome h. : the arching periphery of the carcass of a pneumatic tire i. : a concave approximately quarter-spherical usually plaster structure backing and overhanging a theatrical stage 5. : the back inside cap or case of a jointed-case watch 6. a. : a form of crystal composed of planes parallel to a lateral axis which meet above in a horizontal edge like a roof — see brachydome, clinodome, macrodome, orthodome b. : a form of crystal composed of only two faces intersecting along and astride of a symmetry plane regardless of the orientation of the line of their intersection 7. a. : a doubly plunging anticline that is broad in comparison with its length and consequently approximately circular or elliptical in plan : a quaquaversal fold < the Ozark dome is many miles in diameter > < some small and steep-sided salt domes in Louisiana > < at the top of a dome oil and gas may have collected > b. : a rock mass in domical form < the granite domes of the Yosemite > c. : a rounded snow peak d. : a broad gently sloping volcano — called also shield volcano, volcanic dome 8. : a rounded isolated elevation on the ocean bottom at depths greater than 100 fathoms 9. chiefly slang : a person's head 10. : a ball-shaped or mushroom-shaped clothing accessory: a. : a raised button b. : snap fastener 11. : a rounded-arch element in the wave tracing in an electroencephalogram II. verb (-ed/-ing/-s) transitive verb 1. : to cover with or as if with a dome 2. : to press, bend, or thrust up into a dome < upward pressure from underlying magma domes the surface — Journal of Geology > < shaping the cover with a doming mallet > intransitive verb 1. : to swell upward or outward like a dome 2. : to arch overhead in a dome (as of the sky) III. noun : a roofed sports stadium |