释义 |
cour·tier \ˈkōr]d.ēər, ˈkȯr-; ˈkōə]d.ēə(r, ˈkȯ(ə)]; ]tēə-, ]tyə- also ]chə(r) sometimes ˈku̇r] or ˈku̇ə] or ]ˌchi(ə)r or ]ˌchiə or _ ̷ ̷ˈti(ə)r or _ ̷ ̷ˈtiə\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English courteour, from (assumed) Anglo-French courteour, from Old French corteier to be at the court of a prince (from cort, court court + -our -or) — more at court 1. : a gentleman attendant or habitué of a sovereign's court; sometimes : a ruler's satellite especially given to flattery, soliciting favor, and connivance 2. archaic : one that courts or woos |