

单词 count
释义 count
I. \ˈkau̇nt\ verb
Etymology: Middle English counten, from Middle French conter, compter, from Latin computare to reckon, compute, from com- + putare to consider, think — more at pave
transitive verb
 a. : to indicate, name, or separate (units out of a body of units) one by one or group after group to find the total number of units involved or concerned : number, tally, reckon
  < count the pages of a manuscript >
  — sometimes used with up or over
  < count up the money in the register >
 b. : to tell over or name the numbers in regular order up to and including (a specified number)
  < count ten before answering >
 c. : to include in a tallying and reckoning
  < about 100 people present, counting women and children >
 d. : to compute or tally mechanically and record a total
  < a machine that counts cars crossing the bridge >
 e. : to call aloud (beats or time units) especially in the practicing of a musical composition
  < count eighth notes >
  (1) : to recollect or keep track of the number of cards that have been played in (a specified suit)
   < count trumps >
  (2) : to estimate or mentally reconstruct the distribution of cards in (another player's hand)
  (3) : to count the points in (a hand of cards) — compare point count
 a. : consider, account, regard, judge
  < count oneself lucky >
  < the true dignity of man … is counted folly — W.E.Channing >
 b. : estimate, esteem
  < he counted it nothing that his follower had sacrificed his life >
 c. : to record as of a particular opinion or persuasion
  < count me as uncommitted >
  < stand and be counted >
 d. dialect : suppose, guess, reckon
  < I count there's three of them coming >
3. : to amount to : have a total of
 < they counted 30 — Lord Byron >
intransitive verb
1. archaic : to think much of something : care about something : take account
 < no man counts of her beauty — Shakespeare >
 a. : to recite or indicate the numbers in order
  < a little child who could not count >
  < count by fives >
  : count the units in a group
  < interrupted while he was counting >
 b. : to mark the time by counting aloud the beats in a musical composition
 a. : to rely or depend on someone or something in plans or calculations — used with on or upon
  < the man they counted on in this crisis — Stuart Cloete >
  : look forward to, expect, or plan on something with assured confidence
  < count on clear weather >
  < counting on his car to get him there on time >
 b. : to expect, predict, or take something into consideration — usually used with on
  < they count on winning >
  < he had not counted on paying and had brought no money >
4. English law, obsolete : to plead in court : state a complaint in court
5. : to add up : amount in number : total — sometimes used with up
 < it counts up to a sizable sum >
 a. : to have value, meaning, weight, significance, or importance
  < landscape counts in the character of a place, but people count more — H.L.Davis >
  : merit consideration : be of consequence or account
  < these are the men who really count >
 b. : to be of account : have status or rank : become classed or regarded
  < achievements such as the TVA have counted for far more … than our military power — M.W.Straight >
  < the things that counted so much with us when we were young — Louis Bromfield >
7. : to make a score
 < counted twice in the third inning >
 tell, enumerate, number: count is likely to call attention to the finding of a total without minimizing the notion of numbering units or groups in the process of attaining to that total
  < as many as 30 bonfires could be counted within the whole bounds of the district — Thomas Hardy >
  tell, now archaic in suggestion, may center attention on the fact of units being counted
  < telling one's beads >
  < a shepherd telling his sheep >
  enumerate may suggest counting up or totaling with specific and clear treatment of each item
  < Pliny enumerates among the trees of Syria the date, pistachio, fig, cedar, juniper, terebinth, and sumac — P.K.Hitti >
  < among the enumerated powers, we do not find that of establishing a bank or creating a corporation — John Marshall >
  number may suggest either limited allotting or precise ordering in sequence
  < the days of every man are numbered >
  < to number the volumes on the shelf >
Synonym: see in addition rely.

- count coup
- count heads
II. noun
Etymology: Middle English counte, from Middle French conte, compte, from Late Latin computus computation, from Latin computare to reckon, compute
1. : the action or process of numbering, counting, or reckoning
 < completing the count of the ballots >
 a. archaic : a reckoning of money, goods, or conduct
  < call to count — Edmund Spenser >
  : account; specifically : a statement of stewardship or managing
 b. : formulation of a total arrived at by examination of a sample
  < a count of white corpuscles >
 c. : population enumeration : census
3. archaic : consideration as important : estimation, regard
4. : number or sum total obtained by counting : enumeration, tally
 < the official count came to over a hundred >
 a. : allegation, charge; specifically : a particular allegation or charge separately stating the cause of action or prosecution in a legal declaration or indictment
  < the jury found him innocent on the first count, guilty on the second and third >
  < guilty on all counts >
 b. : the declaration in common-law pleading when the plaintiff has but one cause of action and makes but one statement of it
 c. : a specific point under consideration : issue
  < disagreeing on this count >
 a. : the calling off of the seconds from one to ten when a boxer has been knocked down
  < took a count of nine before getting up >
 b. : the number of balls and strikes charged to a baseball batter at one turn
  < a full count of 3 and 2 >
 c. : the number of bowling pins knocked down with the first bowl of a frame that is added to a spare in the previous frame
 d. : an estimate of the number of cards in each suit that were originally dealt to or are still held by another player
  < take a count on the opponents' hands >
 e. : point count in bridge
 f. : a point or points scored in a game or the total points that have been scored up to any particular time
  < the count now stands at 15-30 >
 a. : an oyster, terrapin, or food fish of a size reckoned as standard or above a specified minimum size — used chiefly in selling by the number
 b. : a stem bearing nine or more hands of bananas
 c. : the number of sheets of paper or board that make up a given weight or unit
 a. : a system of measuring yarns by the number of hanks or yards per pound and indicating size or fineness
 b. : the number of warp yarns and weft yarns per inch in a textile fabric — compare pick V 2b
9. : an indication by an enumerating device of an ionizing event (as the arrival of a cosmic-ray particle) or of the total number of such events in a given period; also : a single ionizing event — compare counting tube
III. noun
Etymology: Middle French conte, comte, from Late Latin comit-, comes, from Latin, associate, companion, one of the imperial court or train, literally, one who goes with another, from com- + -it-, -es (from ire to go) — more at issue
: a European nobleman whose rank corresponds to that of a British earl




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