释义 |
co·to I. \ˈkōd.ō\ noun or coto bark (-s) Etymology: Spanish cotocoto, from Quechua kkhotokktóto : the bark of an unidentified tree of northern Bolivia formerly used as an astringent and stomachic II. noun (plural coto or cotos) Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Spanish, of American Indian origin 1. a. : a Tucano people of eastern Ecuador b. : a member of such people 2. : the Tucano language of the Coto people III. noun also coc·to \ˈkōk(ˌ)tō, ˈkäk-\ (plural coto or cotos also cocto or coctos) Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Spanish, of American Indian origin 1. a. : a Chibchan people of Costa Rica b. : a member of such people 2. : the Chibchan language of the Coto people |