

单词 coterminous
释义 co·ter·mi·nous
\(ˈ)kō|tərmənəs, -|tə̄m-\ adjective
Etymology: alteration of conterminous
1. : having the same or coincident boundaries : covering or involving the same area
 < the city of Washington and the District of Columbia are coterminous >
2. : coincident or coextensive in range, scope, limit, time, or duration
 < the 35 year period … coterminous with the career of the hardy Champlain — Allan Nevins & H.S.Commager >
: identical with
 < since folk culture has always existed, a study of its origins is coterminous with the study of the origins of culture itself — S.W.Mintz >
Synonyms: see adjacent




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