释义 |
cor·ri·gi·ble \ˈkȯrə̇jəbəl, ˈkär-, -rēj- sometimes kəˈrij-\ adjective Etymology: Middle English corrigabill, from Middle French corrigible, from Medieval Latin corrigibilis, from Latin corrigere to correct + -ibilis -ible — more at correct 1. a. : capable of being set right, amended, or reformed : correctable < a corrigible defect > b. : capable of being modified or corrected as a result of empirical or experimental observation < the corrigible nature of the findings of experimental science > 2. obsolete : deserving chastisement : punishable 3. obsolete : having the power to correct : corrective < corrigible authority — Shakespeare > • cor·ri·gi·bly \-blē, -i\ adverb |