

单词 premier
释义 pre·mier
I. \(ˈ)prē|mi(ə)r, -miə, prə̇ˈm- sometimes ˈpriˌm- or (ˈ)pre|m- or (ˈ)prā|m-; ˈprēmēə(r) also ˈprem- or ˈprim- sometimes ˈprām-; also prə̇mˈyi(ə)r or -yiə or (ˈ)prēm|y- or ˈprimˌy- sometimes (ˈ)prem|y-; also (ˈ)prem|ye(ə)r or -yeə sometimes prə̇mˈy- or ˈprimˌy-; sometimes |premē|e(ə)r or -|eə or |prēm- or |prim-; sometimes ˈpremyə(r) or ˈprēm- or ˈprim-; sometimes (ˈ)pre|me(ə)r or -meə or (ˈ)prē|m-\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English primier, from Middle French premier first, chief, from Latin primarius of the first rank, principal — more at primary
1. : first in position, rank, or importance : chief, principal, leading
 < the premier place >
 < a premier angling fish — J.L.B.Smith >
2. : first in time : most ancient : earliest
 < a premier peer is one bearing the oldest title of his degree >
II. noun
Etymology: French, from premier, first, chief, from Middle French
1. : prime minister
 < the French premier >
 < the premier of Western Australia >
 < the premiers of the Canadian provinces >
2. often capitalized [from the Premier diamond mine, near Pretoria, south central Transvaal] : a diamond characterized by white color inclined toward bluish in sunlight but yellowish in artificial light
3. : premier danseur




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