

单词 partisanship
释义 par·ti·san·ship
also par·ti·zan·ship \ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌship\
: the quality or state of being a partisan: as
 a. : adherence to a single person or thing (as a cause, group, political party)
 b. : a strong or sometimes blind and unreasoning adherence to a single cause or group : bias, one-sidedness, prejudice
  < choose between violent partisanship and … cool detachment — J.F.Muehl >
  < seen … clearly and in due proportion, freed from the mists of prejudice and partisanship — John Galsworthy >
 c. : conduct or attitudes resulting from or characterizing such adherence




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