

单词 constitutional
释义 con·sti·tu·tion·al
I. \|känztə|t(y)üshənəl, -än(t)stə|t(y)-, rapid -än(t)sə|t(y)- or -än(t)|st(y)-; -shnəl\ adjective
Etymology: constitution + -al
 a. : having to do with, inherent in, or affecting the constitution or structure of body or mind
  < constitutional symptoms >
  < constitutional strength >
 b. : of benefit to or intended to benefit one's physical or mental makeup
  < a constitutional stroll >
2. : having to do with, belonging to, or forming the composition or makeup of something : essential
 < the very constitutional part of a system >
3. : in accordance with or authorized by the constitution of a state or a society
 < constitutional reforms >
 < constitutional limitations >
 < constitutional rights >
4. : regulated by, dependent on, or ruling according to a constitution or constitutional forms limiting arbitrary or absolute power
 < constitutional monarchy >
 < constitutional government >
 < constitutional democracy >
5. : of, relating to, or dealing with a constitution
 < constitutional crisis >
 < constitutional theory >
or its interpretation, formulation, or amendment
 < constitutional assembly >
 < constitutional court >
6. : loyal to or supporting the existing constitution or established form of government
 < they organized a constitutional fact on >
II. noun
: a walk or other exercise taken for one's health




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