释义 |
con·nate \(ˈ)kä|nāt, kəˈnāt, usu -ād.+V\ adjective Etymology: Late Latin connatus, past participle of connasci to be born together, from Latin com- + nasci to be born — more at nation 1. : congenital, innate, inborn < connate ideas > 2. : agreeing in nature : akin, allied, cognate, congenial < connate spirits > 3. : born, produced, or originated together < connate qualities > 4. biology a. : congenitally united < connate leaves > b. : firmly united : fused < connate bones > — distinguished from connivent; compare adnate 5. geology : entrapped in sediments at the time of their deposition : originating at the same time as adjacent or intermingled materials < connate water > • con·nate·ly adverb |