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pre·lim·i·nary I. \prə̇ˈliməˌnerē, prēˈ-, -ri\ noun (-es) Etymology: French préliminaires, plural, from Medieval Latin praeliminaris, adjective : something that precedes a main discourse, work, design, or business : something introductory or preparatory (as a preparatory step or measure): as a. : a preliminary scholastic examination (as of a candidate for a higher degree) b. : a contest designed to eliminate the less qualified competitors (as in a sport) prior to a decisive contest c. preliminaries plural, Britain : front matter d. : a minor match or contest that precedes the main event (as of a boxing card) II. adjective Etymology: French préliminaire, from Medieval Latin praeliminaris, from Latin prae- pre- + limin-, limen threshold + -aris -ar — more at limb 1. : preceding the main discourse or business : introductory, previous < preliminary articles to a treaty > 2. : lying before : leading to : being at the threshold of < hills that are preliminary to the mountains — John Burroughs > III. adverb : as a preliminary |