

单词 concurrent
释义 con·cur·rent
I. \kənˈkər.ənt, (ˈ)kän|k-, -kə.rə-\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English concurrant, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French concurrent, from Latin concurrent-, concurrens, present participle of concurrere
 a. : converging, meeting, intersecting, running together at a point
  < in both heads the brow ridges are absent, and the eyebrows concurrent — C.S.Coon >
 specifically mathematics : meeting in a point
 b. : running parallel
  < concurrent lines of force >
2. : occurring, arising, or operating at the same time often in relationship, conjunction, association, or cooperation
 < the power of taxation in the general and state governments is acknowledged to be concurrent — John Marshall >
 < the Germans launched a well-prepared full-scale invasion of southern Norway with the concurrent occupation of Trondheim and Narvik — Times Literary Supplement >
 a. : acting in conjunction : marked by accord, agreement, harmony, or similarity in effect or tendency
  < the concurrent testimony of all visitors to the spot >
 b. of insurance policies : insuring the same property to the same extent or under identical clauses
4. law : joint and equal in authority : taking cognizance of or having authority over the same subject matters : operating on the same objects
 < concurrent jurisdiction of courts >
also : operating simultaneously
 < sentenced to serve three concurrent life terms >
Synonyms: see contemporary
II. noun
1. : one that concurs : a joint or contributory cause
 < to all affairs of importance there are three necessary concurrents … time, industry, and faculties — Henry More >
2. archaic : rival, opponent




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