释义 |
pan·to·mim·ic \| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|mimik, -mēk\ adjective or pan·to·mime \ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌmīm also -ˌmēm; ÷ -ˌmīn\ Etymology: pantomimic from Latin pantomimicus, from pantomimus pantomime + -icus -ic; pantomime from pantomime (I) 1. : having the characteristics of or constituting a pantomime < a pantomimic entertainment > < a pantomimic dance > 2. : of or relating to a pantomime 3. : resembling or suggestive of pantomime < the pantomimic suddenness of the transformation > 4. dancing : using realistic or symbolic gestures and body movements to suggest a narrative • pan·to·mim·i·cal·ly \-mə̇k(ə)lē\ adverb |