释义 |
conch \ˈkäŋk, ˈkänch also ˈkȯŋk — -ŋk is usual near waters where the conch occurs and hence in sense 3\ noun (plural conchs \-ŋks\ ; or conch·es \-nchə̇z\) Etymology: Latin concha, from Greek konchē; akin to Sanskrit śaṅkha conch 1. a. (1) : any of various large spiral-shelled marine gastropod mollusks; especially : any member of the genera Strombus and Cassis of the south Atlantic coast of No. America and the West Indies — see horse conch, king conch, queen conch (2) : the shell of a conch often used for cutting cameos and formerly made into horns (3) : the animal body of a conch as distinguished from its inanimate shelly parts; especially : the body as an article of food < fried conch is a tasty dish > b. : something resembling a conch (as a shell-shaped ornament) or made from a conch (as a horn) 2. : the portion of the shell of a tetrabranch cephalopod mollusk that is developed after the embryonic shell 3. often capitalized a. : a resident native of the Bahamas b. : any of various persons resident in the Florida keys and nearby parts of the mainland; especially : one of Bahaman ancestry — often used disparagingly; compare cracker 5 4. : concha 2b(1) 5. : bracket 3c
[conch 1] |