释义 |
com·pre·hen·sive I. \| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|hen(t)siv, -sēv also -səv\ adjective Etymology: Latin comprehensivus, from comprehensus + -ivus -ive 1. a. : covering a matter under consideration completely or nearly completely : accounting for or comprehending all or virtually all pertinent considerations : inclusive < a comprehensive question > < a comprehensive plan > < a comprehensive list > < a comprehensive index to rare coins > < a comprehensive whole > b. of insurance : covering all hazards of a given type with the exception of individual hazards specifically excluded < a comprehensive insurance policy > < comprehensive automobile liability > < comprehensive coverage > 2. : having the power to understand or grasp : of wide mental grasp < a comprehensive head for financial problems > < a comprehensive student of racial affairs > < a comprehensive knowledge of physics > 3. a. of a school : consolidated b. of a secondary school : offering a full set of curricula (as college preparatory, commercial, and vocational courses together with extracurricular activities) < a comprehensive high school > 4. logic : relating to comprehension : connotative, intensive • com·pre·hen·sive·ly \-sə̇vlē, -li\ adverb II. noun (-s) 1. : a finished or highly detailed layout (as of a proposed advertisement) intended to show how a printed version would appear 2. or comprehensive examination : an examination designed to test general mastery of a broad academic field (as one taken at the end of the sophomore college year to test a student's readiness to specialize or at the end of the senior college year to test a student's mastery of his field of concentration) — often used in plural |