

单词 commonness
释义 com·mon·ness
\ˈkämən(n)ə̇s\ noun
: the quality or state of being common: as
 a. : the quality of being possessed or shared by all mankind or by a group : jointness of possession or use; also : the quality of appealing to the general run of people
  < although he came from the aristocracy he preserved a certain commonness that made him a successful politician >
 b. : the possession of usual, standard, ordinary, or undistinguished qualities or character
  < the commonness of the common man >
 also : the quality of occurring or appearing frequently in the ordinary course of events
  < they are the familiar folk one can come upon in any town, on any street, and in this book their commonness lends an extraordinary reality to the events that overtake them — Harrison Smith >
 c. : the marked display of lack of learning, refinement, or taste
  < her father's commonness was what offended the daughter most, his habit of sitting in the parlor in his undershirt drinking beer >
 d. : indiscriminateness, vulgarity, promiscuousness
  < behavior marked by the commonness of a prostitute >




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