释义 |
com·men·da·to·ry I. \kəˈmendəˌtōrē, -tȯr-, -ri\ adjective Etymology: Late Latin commendatorius, from Latin commendatus (past participle of commendare to recommend) + -orius -ory — more at commend 1. : of, relating to, or serving for commendation 2. [alteration of earlier commendatary, adjective, from Medieval Latin commendatarius, from Latin commendatus + -arius -ary] : holding or held in commendam II. noun (-es) 1. obsolete : commendation, eulogy 2. obsolete : a knight commander of an order of chivalry 3. obsolete : commendator 1 4. obsolete : commandery 2a 5. archaic : commendam 1 |