

单词 cold
释义 cold
I. \ˈkōld\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English cald, ceald; akin to Old High German kalt cold, Old Norse kaldr, Gothic kalds, Latin gelu frost, gelare to freeze, congeal
 a. : having a temperature notably below an accustomed norm, often notably below that of the human body or below that compatible with human comfort : notably lacking in warmth : having a low temperature
  < quite cold weather >
  < it was cold yesterday >
  < the rain was very cold now, almost frigid, and they shuddered — Norman Mailer >
  < a cold and drafty hallway >
  < cold arctic seas >
  < have trouble starting with a cold motor >
  — distinguished from cool
 b. : likely to lose heat quickly : likely to feel cool
  < a cold metallic substance >
 c. : receptive to the sensation of coldness : stimulated by cold
  < a cold spot is the typical cold receptor in higher vertebrates >
 a. : naturally without heat — used in ancient and medieval sciences to describe one of the qualities of the four elements
 b. of a sign of the zodiac : having a cold complexion
 a. : marked by lack of warm feeling : without ardor, zeal, or sympathy : distant
  < he's a pretty cold one — Ernest Hemingway >
  < the cold, correct, regular, narrow poetry of Pope — A.L.Kroeber >
  < this novel leaves the reader cold >
 b. : free from emotion or passion, especially sexual passion : frigid, inhibited
  < one of the cold kisses that he disliked so much — Archibald Marshall >
 c. : lacking cordiality, heartiness, friendliness, or affability : unfriendly : forbiddingly reserved : aloof, chilling
  < his cold, mean, selfish policy toward those whom he liked to segregate and hate as his enemies — W.A.White >
  < the court becomes a cold place for the self-exiled queen — H.O.Taylor >
 d. : lacking feeling : emotionless, detached, indifferent, apathetic, cold-blooded
  < the cold neutrality of an impartial judge — Edmund Burke >
  < cold, sullen, unreliable, brusque, unconventional, grasping, a man of iron will — C.L.Jones >
 e. : feeling or showing no interest, excitement, or sympathy : unenthusiastic
  < the discouragement of playing to a cold audience >
  < the mawkish appeal left him cold >
  < to his astonishment, he finds the people of his village cold to this noble and time-honored sentiment — Arthur Knight >
 f. : marked by deliberate intent or plan : not shaped or influenced by passion or strong feeling : activated or executed deliberately
  < a cold calculated punishing punch in the mouth — John Steinbeck >
  < that a goodly part of the illegal drug supply is grown and processed in China; that it is spread with cold deliberation to other countries — Meyer Berger >
 g. : unemotionally calculated or calculating : marked by analysis and calculation uninfluenced by warmer feelings : unfeeling
  < how cold economic considerations and calculations prevail in all matters of international importance — H.W.Van Loon >
  < the cold argument and unhurried process of trial in the courts of law — W.C.Dickinson >
 a. : previously cooked but served or eaten cold
  < a cold collation >
  < cold boiled ham >
 b. : not hot enough : heated insufficiently or permitted to cool
  < the soup was cold >
 c. : not heated
  < stored in a cold cellar >
 d. : made cold : cooled, iced
  < cold soft drinks >
 e. : unheated while being worked
  < drive rivets cold >
  < a cold-bent iron pipe >
  < cold-forged steel >
 a. : inducing discouragement : depressing, cheerless, dispiriting, gloomy
  < a cold correctness in the way he put his bicycle in its place that made her heart sink — D.H.Lawrence >
  < the cold respectability of a Pharisee's dining room — W.L.Sullivan >
 b. : producing a sensation of cold : chilling
  < I hold a key in my hand and it is cold — Muriel Rukeyser >
  < cold blank walls >
 c. of a color : cool; especially : having a cool hue and low value
 a. : dead
  < lay cold in his coffin — Margaret A. Barnes >
 b. : unconscious typically from a blow or shock or from complete intoxication : insensible
  < knocked out cold >
  < pass out cold >
 c. : completely at one's mercy : without hope of escape : defenseless
  < you're as good as found guilty because they never crack down unless they have you cold — Polly Adler >
 d. : marked by complete knowledge or errorless familiarity : certain, sure
  < the actors had their lines cold a week before the opening night >
 e. slang : sure to be fulfilled — used of a contract in a card game
 a. of a soil : retentive of moisture, often compact and clayey, and responding only slowly to atmospheric temperature changes
 b. of a manure : decaying slowly with little evolution of heat
  < cold pig manure >
8. : feeling cold : made uncomfortable by cold — usually used postpositively
 < the children came back in when they were cold >
9. obsolete, of foods : bland, mild : not strong, hot, or pungent
 < cold plants >
10. : lacking power to influence, incite, animate, inspire, impassion, or affect in other ways
 < the Roman copy is almost inevitably colder, less alive, less emotional, and (above all) less expressive than the Greek — Hunter Mead >
 < a cold traffic of minds and ideas and, for all the melodrama, not a clash of living people — J.R.Newman >
 a. : faint : not strong; usually : old and being obscured
  < dogs trying to follow the cold scent >
  : retaining only faint scents, traces, or clues
  < the trail had become cold >
 b. : stale, uninteresting; often : having undergone loss of timeliness
  < the story is now too cold to be newsworthy >
 c. : old and showing lack of power to communicate
  < a stenographer trying to transcribe cold notes >
 d. : not illegal or involved in a crime : not suspect
  < trading the hot car for a cold one >
 e. : allowing little or no possibility of contact with radioactivity — used especially of area in a plant or laboratory; opposed to hot
11. : presented or regarded in a straightforward, blunt, or matter-of-fact way : not influenced or relieved by emotional presentation or persuasive appeal : impersonal
 < competing on a basis of sheer cold efficiency — T.W.Arnold >
 < the cold facts of the case >
 < presenting cold statistics >
 a. : far from finding, discovering, or solving
 b. : marked by poor or unlucky performance
  < an erratic bowler, sometimes hot, sometimes cold >
  < hot and cold periods even fall … upon writers — C.B.Davis >
 c. : not in operation : idle
  < a cold munitions plant in peace times >
 d. slang, of dice : not producing many passes or results that win for the shooter
 a. : marked by lack of preparation, rehearsal, preliminary performance, preliminary exercise or operation, introduction, or knowledge and familiarity
  < instead of opening cold in New York, all the productions have had a week of preliminary performing in Hartford — Brooks Atkinson >
  < they came here cold, years ago, not knowing many people — J.P.Marquand >
  < a substitute entering the game cold >
 b. in radio & television : without music or embellishments
  < a program that comes on cold >
  < cold drama >
  < the salesman had to approach the prospective customer cold >
  < cold selling >
14. : certain to be as indicated : assured
 < a cold five thousand dollars >
15. : lacking in thoroughbred blood
 < a cold cross >
16. : designed for use in cutting cold metal
17. : living in or characteristic of a cold environment
 < the cold fauna of glacial epochs >
 a. : intense and barely controlled
  < a cold fury >
  < a cold irritation >
 b. : checked short of sustained overt violence (as military action) but marked by deep antagonism and conducted with all available economic, political, or social means
  < a cold pogrom >
  < cold revolution >
 a. : intended for use without being heated
  < a cold glue >
 b. : using or produced by cold type
  < cold composition >

- in cold blood
II. noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English cald, from cald, adjective — more at cold
 a. : a condition of low temperature : coldness
  < the cold was intense >
 b. : cold weather
2. : bodily sensation produced by loss or lack of heat : chill
 < they groan with pain and shudder with the cold — S.T.Coleridge >
3. : a respiratory infection:
 a. in man : common cold
  < to catch cold >
  < he has a cold >
 b. in domestic animals : coryza b
4. : chill discouragement : a feeling of blended fear, crushing disappointment, shock, depression, or despair

- in the cold
- out in the cold
III. verb
Etymology: Middle English colden, from (assumed) Old English caldian, cealdian, from cald cold — more at cold
intransitive verb
: to become cold
 < the nights were colding — Maristan Chapman >
transitive verb
: to make cold
 < cold his blood with the thought of dying — John Masefield >
IV. adverb
Etymology: cold (I)
1. : with utter finality : in a completely unmitigated way : totally, absolutely
 < he was stopped cold >
 < be turned down cold >
 < know the answers cold >
2. : while cold or without the application of heat — used especially of metalworking processes
 < cold-hammer a bar of iron >
 < cold-roll steel >
 < cold-swage metal parts >
V. adjective
: low in energy and thus having low velocity
 < cold neutrons >
VI. noun
: a state or condition of having a secret identity, mission, or cover — used in the phrase in from the cold
 < a near-deadly slip … made the game too dangerous and the F.B.I. called him in from the cold — Ralph Blumenthal >
also : a state of estrangement, isolation, or neglect




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