

单词 distance
释义 dis·tance
I. \ˈdistən(t)s\ noun
Etymology: Middle English distaunce, from Old French destance, distance, from Latin distantia, from distant-, distans (present participle of distare to stand apart, be distant) + -ia -y — more at distant
1. obsolete : discord, dissension, quarrel
  (1) : a portion of time between two events or between an event and the present : interval
   < the distance between birth and death >
   < not sure he could endure the distance to the time of his release from captivity >
  (2) : separation in time
   < it is impossible to judge, at this distance, whether most of these cases would pass for willful murder at the present day — G.G.Coulton >
 b. : the degree or amount of separation between two points, lines, surfaces, or objects in geometrical space measured along the shortest path joining them
  < the distance between the two houses was exactly one mile >
  < the distance between the eyes varies with individuals >
  (1) : the space between troops in ranks, vehicles, or units measured from front to rear — contrasted with interval
  (2) : the space between the foremasts of adjacent ships in column, line, or line of bearing
  (3) : the amount of space between the eye and an object of perception
 c. : an extent of space measured linearly along a route : the length especially of a surface or road traveled or to be traveled
  < the Gambia river, navigable for ocean vessels for a distance of 150 miles — Americana Annual >
  < he did not know the distance he had walked >
  < whoever guided the Stevens Party in 1844 would have kept as close as possible to the point of this hill in order to save distance — G.R.Stewart >
  < a considerable distance of highway >
  < followed for a distance by a stray dog >
 d. : an extent or degree of figurative advance or movement away or along from a point considered primary or original
  < they carried Puritan severity quite a distance — John Gould >
  < the firm is now quite a distance from what it was when it was founded >
 e. : a portion (as of landscape) extended in breadth and depth especially viewable all at once : expanse
  < a distance of field, woods, and diluted November sky did indeed stretch without any other feature — Elizabeth Bowen >
  < a country of flat plains and great distances >
 f. in racing
  (1) : course, route
   < was able to run the distance in record time >
  (2) : an extent or length of the track marked by a post or flag placed in the last part of a racecourse which a horse in a heat race must reach by the time the winner crosses the finish line or be disqualified for later heats
 a. : the quality or state of being distant or spatially remote
  < distance lends enchantment >
 b. : remoteness in nonspatial relationships : the quality or state of being distant or not near or not close in ways other than spatial
  < the gradual elimination of the distance between a character and a writer's sympathy for that character — J.B.Ludwig >
  (1) : personal and especially emotional or moral separation or lack of involvement : absence of intimacy or familiarity
   < the sensitive young hero, shiveringly conscious of his distance from the school community around him — Anthony Quinton >
  also : coldness, reserve
   < an unusual distance between the two formerly inseparable friends >
  (2) : the degree of separation from immediate succession or close blood relationship
   < the distance between the duke and the throne was not great >
   < a great distance between the two cousins >
  (3) : aesthetic distance
   < trying to preserve the distance between the play and the audience >
 c. : difference, disparity
  < the spiritual, economic, and social distances between city dweller and farmer — American Guide Series: Minnesota >
 a. : a distant point or region or its representation in drawing or painting : a point not near or close
  < the house was at a distance from his work >
  < I can see things from a great distance, and look back across a fairly wide gulf of years — Harold Nicolson >
 b. : the representation of distance or spatial separation in drawing or painting : perspective; also : the background of a distant view — often used in plural
  < shaded distances >

- go the distance
- keep one's distance
- know one's distance
II. transitive verb
 a. : to place or keep at a distance
  < to one who contrives to distance himself from contemporary emotional disputation — Times Literary Supplement >
  < apartness in space is the most common factor in such distancing of the potential aesthetic object — Hunter Mead >
 b. : to cause to appear remote or as if at a distance
 a. : to leave far behind : outstrip
  < they both intended to take the road to Irkutsk, and being well mounted hoped to distance the Emir's scouts — W.H.G.Kingston >
 specifically : to beat by a distance in racing
 b. : to surpass greatly
3. : to declare disqualified for later heats in racing because of losing one heat by a distance or more
III. adjective
: intended for or designed to facilitate the clearer perception of things at a distance
 < distance glasses >




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