单词 | dissolve |
释义 | dis·solve I. transitive verb 1. a. < a direct hit had dissolved one of the destroyers — R.L.Schwartz > < poetry dissolves traditional preconception — Harold Rosenberg > < help to dissolve some of the rancor — Edward Shils > b. obsolete c. < dissolved their alliance > : break the continuity of : disconnect, disunite < dissolve a marriage > < dissolve a bond > d. < the American Tobacco Company was dissolved into smaller units — American Guide Series: North Carolina > < this would dissolve a vocabulary into an infinite number of nonce words — Weston La Barre > e. < the king's former power to dissolve parliament > < he had dissolved army courts — Farmer's Weekly (South Africa) > < dissolve a partnership > f. < dissolve an injunction > 2. a. < the difference in content of dissolved gases in cold and warm waters — R.E.Coker > b. < the heat dissolved the candles into opaque pools of wax > c. < the news dissolved her so completely she ran from the room weeping > also d. < his life was dissolved in a round of frivolities > e. 3. archaic 4. < dissolve the mystery > intransitive verb 1. a. < the mist … dissolved as it touched the valleys — Han Suyin > < she would simply have dissolved like a slug with salt poured on it — Jean Stafford > < our goals themselves were in flux and … we should only find them dissolving in our hands — Brand Blanshard > b. < the assembly dissolved > < orders … direct the soldiers to dissolve before a stronger force — W.O.Douglas > < the interim committees dissolved as soon as the regular committees returned from vacation > c. < his strength dissolved before her irresistible charm > < the solidity of the main characters seems almost to dissolve — John Lehmann > 2. a. : to become fluid : melt, liquefy < ice cream dissolving in the sun > b. < sugar dissolves in liquid > c. < the father dissolved in grief > also d. < on closer inspection the street riot dissolved into a mob of students struggling to get into an empty store building to see an exhibition of books — Robert Payne > • dis·solv·er II. |
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