

单词 clean
释义 clean
I. \ˈklēn\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English clene, from Old English clǣne pure, clear; akin to Old Saxon klēni delicate, dainty, fine, Old High German kleini, Greek glainoi ornaments, Armenian całr laughter; basic meaning: bright, gay
 a. : free from matter that adulterates, contaminates, or pollutes
  < add clean mercury to the solution >
 b. : free from admixture with whatever diminishes the distinctive quality or essential character
  < the clean thrill of one's first flight >
  < the clean satisfaction that comes from the stern performance of duty — F.D.Roosevelt >
 c. of a precious stone : having no interior flaws visible to the unaided eye
 d. of stock : free of slow-moving goods or inventory
 a. : free from or freed of dirt, filth, refuse, or remains
  < wearing clean linen >
  < requested a clean plate >
  : free from any putrefying or infecting agent
  < fowl reared on clean litter >
 b. : free from disease, often from a specified disease
  < a pullorum-clean flock >
  < keep installations clean of TB infection >
 c. : accustomed to keep free of dirt and foulness
  < raccoons are cleaner than other cage animals >
 d. of a domestic animal : that has never been bred
 e. of a ship : having the bottom free from fouling accumulation
  (1) : free from smudges or anything that tends to obscure
   < a clean set of fingerprints >
  (2) of copy : easy to read with corrections clearly and neatly made
  (3) of typesetting or a proof : relatively free from error — opposed to dirty
  (4) of a proof : pulled from type in which errors detected on a previous proof have been corrected for sending to the author — compare foul
 g. of a deer or antlers, Britain : having shed the velvet
 h. : freeing or freed of weeds and other harmful growth and rubbish and of growth that hinders tillage
  < the pros and cons of clean culture between fruit trees >
  < clean farming is detrimental to wild life >
 a. : free from moral taint or corruption or sinister connections of any kind : guiltless
  < police confirmed he had had a clean record for two years >
  < clean candidates are needed for clean government >
 b. : free from looseness in sex relations : free from offensive treatment of sexual subjects and from the use of obscenity
 c. : observing the rules : sportsmanlike, fair
  < a clean fighter >
  < clean rivalry >
 d. slang : free from involvement in a matter under police investigation
 e. slang : carrying no concealed weapons
4. : ceremonially or spiritually pure
 < … and took of every clean animal … and offered burnt offerings on the altar — Gen 8:20 (Revised Standard Version) >
 < and all who are clean may eat flesh — Lev 7:19 (Revised Standard Version) >
 a. : so decisive, complete, or thoroughgoing as to leave no remainder, loose ends, or uncertainty
  < a clean sweep in the challenge round >
  < making a clean break with his past >
  : outright, unreserved, incontestable
  < a clean beat for his paper >
  < a clean miss with a torpedo >
 b. : precisely, deftly, or unerringly directed or executed especially without a trace of strain or awkwardness : faultless
  < every hunter, if he is a real sportsman, wants quick, clean kills — R.R.Camp >
  < clean sword work required of a matador >
  < some clean ballet technique >
  : showing no deficiency or deviation from a high standard of skill
  < a steeplechaser must be a clean jumper >
 c. sports : swiftly, skillfully, and decisively executed : free from error or misjudgment
  < a clean double play >
  or played or scored with a decided margin of success or safety
  < a clean single over second base >
  < a clean backhand shot >
 a. : free from obstruction or encumbrance
  < and I envy the clean straight sweep of your mind — H.J.Laski >
 b. of cash : in hand subject to no deduction or further liability
  (1) of a bond : free from any endorsement or marks
  (2) of a bill of lading or ship's receipt : free from any statement about damage or poor condition of goods or containers
  (3) of a draft or bill of exchange : free from attached documents
 a. : having simplicity, definiteness, articulateness, and usually gracefulness of form
  < architecture with clean almost forbiddingly austere lines >
 specifically : constructed on fine sharp lines
  < a ship with a clean body slips through the water with little or no disturbance >
 b. in the arts : marked by straightforward presentation or concise composition : free from nonessential elements or affectation
  < a clean, spare, expressive prose style >
 specifically : precise and flawless in execution or reproduction
  < efforts to obtain a clean bass in orchestral recordings >
 c. : free from unevenness or irregularity of outline or partition
  < this saw leaves a clean edge >
  < a sharp blow causing a clean break >
 d. archaic, of a party ticket : straight
 e. of a horse's leg : free from curbs or bunches below the hock
 f. of an airplane : well streamlined and free from external protuberances or projections that give rise to increased aerodynamic drag
 g. radio & television : sharply defined and unwavering : free from distortion and interference
  < a speaker providing clean output >
 a. : empty especially of what might be expected to be carried or stocked
  < the whaling ship returned with a clean hold >
 b. slang : cleaned out of one's money : without funds
 a. : having a distinctive, unmixed, and fresh quality to the senses
  < the clean scent of pine >
  < a clean yellow >
 b. : marked by no failure or deficiency
  < a clean record of victories >
10. of an atom bomb or hydrogen bomb : having little or no fallout
II. adverb
(sometimes -er/-est)
Etymology: Middle English clene, from Old English clǣne clearly, purely, from clǣne, adjective
 a. : in such a manner as to keep or leave free of dirt or refuse
  < a new broom sweeps clean >
  : without distortion or error
  < played the difficult piano accompaniment very clean >
 b. : in a manner free from cheating or unsportsmanlike conduct
  < play the game clean >
  < he doesn't fight clean >
 c. archaic : precisely, unerringly
  < the arrow flew clean to the center of the target >
2. : without qualification : thoroughly, entirely, completely
 < an area burned over clean >
 < gone clean out of his head >
 < thrown clean off balance >
 < my own view is clean contrary — F.R.Leavis >
: all the way
 < a bullet clean through the chest >
 < clean back to colonial times >
: far or remotely
 < living clean out in the sticks >
III. verb
Etymology: Middle English clenen, from clene clean
transitive verb
1. : to make clean or free of dirt or any foreign or offensive matter: as
 a. : to wash with water and soap or with any aqueous liquid medium
 b. : to bathe, brush, or treat with an acid, alkaline, or organic agent, rub with an oil or cream, or sponge or swab with a disinfectant for removing undesired matter
  < clean a wound >
 c. : to wipe or polish especially with a solvent for removing grime
  < clean the domestic silver >
 d. : to free of dirt, refuse, or litter and set in order — often used with up
  < clean up the attic >
 e. : dry-clean
 a. : to rid (land) of weeds and rubbish by cultivation — often used with up
 b. : to scrape (a ship's bottom) free of accretions of barnacles and fouling matter
 c. : to brush, scrape, or blow clean of dirt or other accumulation — often used with out
  < clean one's shoes before entering >
  < specimens from an archaeological excavation need expert cleaning >
  < clean out a drain >
  (1) : to brush (the teeth) with a cleanser, especially a dentifrice
  (2) : to perform dental prophylaxis on (the teeth)
 e. : to blast with grit for removing undesired accumulations
  < clean a brick wall of layers of paint >
 f. : to free (a surface) of what adheres, covers, or obstructs (as by brushing, wiping, or scraping) — often used with off
  < clean off a slate >
  < clean flues >
  < earning pocket money by cleaning sidewalks >
  < hard to clean a windshield of a coating of sleet >
 g. : to remove cancellation marks from (a stamp) so as to give an appearance of being unused
 a. : to remove the outer shell, husk, hull, or hairy appendages from
  < rough rice is cleaned before milling >
 b. : to free (as by screening) of dirt, chaff, stray weed seeds, and other foreign matter
  < clean grain coming from the thresher >
 c. : to gin (cotton)
 a. : to remove the entrails from : gut, dress
  < clean fish, fowl, or game >
 b. : to strip bare or to empty of contents
  < the lumberjacks quickly cleaned the platter >
  < the tree was cleaned of fruit by hurricane winds >
  < a play that cleaned the board of the opponent's checkers >
 c. slang : to defeat decisively in a contest or competition — sometimes used with up
  < we took on their best bridge players and cleaned them >
 d. slang : to deprive wholly of money or possessions in a gambling game, by robbery, or through skulduggery or stock-market speculation — often used with out
  < they started cleaning him … bit by bit they were taking everything he had, his banks, his factories — Louis Bromfield >
  < a few disastrous plunges and he found himself cleaned out >
 e. : to exhaust or strip clean
  < carp may clean a pond of indigenous fish >
  < clean a roster of inactive members >
 f. baseball : to empty (the bases) by enabling all base runners to score
intransitive verb
: to undergo or perform a process of cleaning : become clean — often used with up

- clean house
IV. noun
: an act of cleaning dirt especially from the surface of something
 < give footwear a daily clean with polish >
V. adjective
1. slang : smartly dressed
2. : free from drug addiction
3. : having no contraband (as drugs) in one's possession
VI. verb

- clean one's clock




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