释义 |
or·gy I. noun also or·gie \ˈȯrjē, ˈȯ(ə)j-, -ji\ (plural orgies) Etymology: Middle French orgie, from Latin orgia, plural, from Greek orgia; akin to Greek ergon work — more at work 1. : secret ceremonial rites held in honor of any of various deities (as of ancient Greece) and characterized by ecstatic or frenzied singing and dancing — usually used in plural 2. : a ritual observance or ceremony 3. : drunken revelry : carousal 4. a. : a manifestation of excessive indulgence in some predilection < an orgy of speechmaking > < indulge in an orgy of destruction > b. : a riotous display < an orgy of pink stucco > II. noun : a sexual encounter involving many people ; also : an excessive sexual indulgence |