释义 |
cir·cuit I. \ˈsərkə̇t, -ə̄k-, -əik-, usu -kə̇d.+V\ noun (-s) Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French circuite, from Latin circuitus, from past participle of circuire, circumire to go around, from circum- + ire to go — more at issue 1. a. : a usually more or less circular line encompassing an area : circumference < a swamp about 10 miles in circuit > b. : the course around the four bases in baseball < he hit for the circuit > 2. : the act of moving around typically in an orbit or a circular course : a circular route : a course around a periphery : revolution < the periodic circuit of the earth around the sun > < the sightseeing newcomer makes the circuit of the state — American Guide Series: Florida > 3. a. : a roundabout way : a circuitous or indirect course < describing a circuit rather than a straight course > b. obsolete : roundabout speech : circumlocution 4. : space enclosed within a circumference or periphery : area, scope < the circuit of the duke's lands > 5. a. : an appointed or accustomed course from place to place in following a calling < the old “mail rider”, who was just returning on his circuit of twenty-six miles — Ellen Glasgow > b. : the route of a traveling judge or preacher around a district or territory assigned to him < lawyers rode the circuits like the backwoods preachers of the day — American Guide Series: Tennessee > c. : a judicial district legally established < the state shall be divided into thirteen circuits — W.Va. Constitution > also : the judges and lawyers making a circuit d. : a group of church congregations ministered to or under the supervision of one pastor (as in the Methodist Church) 6. a. : the complete path of an electric current including any displacement current b. : a specified portion of a circuit < external circuit > < generator circuit > c. : the region through which the magnetic flux from any source extends especially when largely confined within a ferromagnetic body (as a magnet) 7. a. : association, conference, league < baseball circuit > < football circuit > b. : a series of harness races held at associated tracks according to a more or less permanent schedule c. : a group of motion-picture theaters owned by one company d. : a number of associated theaters at which productions are presented in turn e. : an association, ring, or coterie sharing common interests or similar practices and gathering or performing at various places at different times < the nightclub circuit > < the small college circuit > 8. a. : an assemblage of electronic elements : hookup b. : a system for two-way communication between two places (as by telegraph, telephone, or radio) 9. : a closed path followed by a fluid in a mechanical system < hydraulic circuit > < oil circuit > II. verb (-ed/-ing/-s) transitive verb : to make a circuit about < an automobile route circuiting the Back Bay section of Portland — American Guide Series: Maine > : go or move in a circuit about intransitive verb : to go or move over a circuit < while five of my brethren are circuiting about the state — O.W.Holmes †1935 > |