

单词 one's
释义 Search result show the entry is found in: keep one's end up , or keep one's feet , or keep one's hand in , or kick one's heels , or kick up one's heels , or kiss one's hand , or on one's knees , or to one's knees , or know one's onions , or know one's stuff , or laugh in one's sleeve , or lay one's account , or lay one's finger on , or on one's legs , or lick one's chops , or lick one's wounds , or lie in one's throat , or lift one's voice , or line one's pockets , or loaf one's way , or one's lone , or look down one's nose , or lose one's cud , or lose one's heart , or down on one's luck , or lump in one's throat , or make one's law , or make one's mark , or make one's number , or make one's peace , or make one's way , or one's own man , or measure one's length , or melt in one's mouth , or on one's mettle , or on one's mind , or for one's money , or nail in one's coffin , or nail one's colors to the mast , or to one's name , or have one's number on it , or off one's nut , or lay on one's oars , or lie on one's oars , or put one's oar in , or off one's onion , or open one's eyes , or open one's heart , or open one's mouth , or open one's shoulders , or be one's own man , or get one's own back , or into one's own , or on one's own , or at one's back , or behind one's back , or the back of one's hand , or the back of one's mind , or with one's back to the wall , or paddle one's own canoe , or with one's pants down , or for one's part , or pass in one's checks , or pay one's way , or at one's peril , or piece of one's mind , or pin one's ears back , or pipe one's eye , or in one's pocket , or pound one's ear , or press one's luck , or prick up one's ears , or pull in one's horns , or pull one's freight , or pull one's leg , or pull one's teeth , or pull one's weight , or push one's luck , or put one's finger on , or bash one's ear , or queer one's pitch , or ram down one's throat , or off one's own bat , or reef one's sails , or the beam in one's own eye , or on one's beam-ends , or in one's own right , or to one's beard , or off one's rocker , or roll one's hoop , or roll up one's sleeves , or beat one's brains out , or beat one's breast , or beat one's gums , or beat one's time , or beat one's way , or off one's beat , or bee in one's bonnet , or save one's bacon , or scratch one's back , or see one's way , or send about one's business , or send in one's papers , or under one's belt , or at one's service , or set one's cap for , or set one's face against , or set one's hand to , or settle one's hash , or set up one's staff , or bend one's ear , or shake one's head , or shape one's course , or for one's share , or sharpen one's knife , or shoot off one's mouth , or shoot one's bolt , or shoot one's cuffs , or shoot one's way , or show one's hand , or show one's heels to , or shut one's eyes , or shut one's face , or shut one's mouth , or through one's sides , or sin one's mercies , or sing one's praises , or sink one's teeth , or sit at one's feet , or sit on one's hands , or in one's skin , or out of one's skin , or the skin of one's teeth , or under one's skin , or up one's sleeve , or sling one's hook , or slip one's trolley , or smell one's oats , or snap off one's head , or snap one's fingers at , or spend one's mouth , or spike one's guns , or split one's sides , or too big for one's breeches , or sport one's oak , or stand by one's guns , or stand one's ground , or stand on one's own feet , or stars in one's eyes , or steal one's thunder , or stew in one's own juice , or stick in one's craw , or stick in one's throat , or stick one's neck out , or stick to one's fingers , or stick to one's guns , or stick to one's last , or stick to one's ribs , or in one's stocking feet , or stop one's mouth , or straighten one's face , or up one's street , or stretch one's legs , or strut one's stuff , or sweep one off one's feet , or bit in one's teeth , or bite one's lip , or take into one's head , or take one at one's word , or take one's death , or take one's life in one's hands , or take one's medicine , or take one's time , or take to one's heels , or take one's breath away , or talk one's head off , or talk one's way , or talk through one's hat , or tear one's hair , or in one's black books , or thank one's stars , or throw one's weight around , or throw in one's hand , or throw in one's lot with , or thumb one's nose , or tie one's hands , or tie one's tongue , or tighten one's belt , or on one's own time , or tip one's hand , or on one's toes , or toot one's horn , or set one's teeth on edge , or to one's teeth , or off one's top , or the top of one's head , or in one's tracks , or trail one's coat , or tread on one's toes , or trim one's sails , or off one's trolley , or try one's hand , or tuck one's tail , or turn around one's finger , or turn one's back on , or turn one's coat , or turn one's hand , or turn one's stomach , or turn up one's nose , or turn up one's toes , or twiddle one's thumbs , or twist one's arm , or twist around one's finger , or under one's hat , or in one's blood , or blot one's copybook , or blow one's horn , or blow one's lines , or blow one's top , or blow up in one's face , or on one's uppers , or walk one's chalks , or wash one's dirty linen in public , or wash one's hands of , or waste one's breath , or watch one's step , or go out of one's way , or have everything one's own way , or in one's way , or one's way around , or wedge one's way , or weep one's heart out , or weigh one's words , or wet one's whistle , or wheedle one's way , or whet one's whistle , or against one's will , or of one's own will , or one's own sweet will , or under one's wing , or wipe one's boots on , or wipe one's eye , or in one's wool , or of one's word , or work one's way , or worth one's salt , or write one's own ticket , or in one's bad books , or in one's book , or in one's good books , or blow one's cool , or blow one's cover , or blow one's mind , or bust one's chops , or clean one's clock , or clean up one's act , or cut one's losses , or on one's doorstep , or egg on one's face , or flex one's muscles , or get one's act together , or get one's back up , or get one's rocks off , or kiss one's ass , or knock one's socks off , or pay one's dues , or make one's bow , or play one's cards , or pull one's coat , or rub one's nose in , or vote with one's feet , or break one's duck , or break one's heart , or break one's neck , or break one's wrists , or below one's breath , or breathe down one's neck , or breathe one's last , or too big for one's britches , or stick to one's knitting , or bull one's way , or bang for one's buck , or cast in one's lot with , or cover up one's tracks , or burn one's bridges , or burn one's ears , or burn one's fingers , or die in one's bed , or die in one's shoes , or die with one's boots on , or die with one's shoes on , or have it all one's own way , or hoist by one's own petard , or keep up one's end , or laugh in one's beard , or laugh up one's sleeve , or lie in one's teeth , or lift up one's voice , or one's self , or one's way about , or out of one's depth , or out of one's way , or put out of one's way , or call one's bluff , or call one's shot , or rest on one's oars , or shoot off one's face , or snap off one's nose , or stand on one's own legs , or stick in one's crop , or stick in one's gizzard , or tend to one's knitting , or the top of one's mind , or throw up one's hands , or too big for one's boots , or too big for one's pants , or turn around one's little finger , or up to one's ears , or carry one's bat , or cash in one's chips , or cast in one's teeth , or cast one's lot with , or catch one's breath , or act one's age , or chance one's arm , or change one's feet , or chip on one's shoulder , or off one's chump , or clear one's skirts , or clip one's wings , or close one's eyes to , or on one's coattails , or come into one's own , or come one's way , or cook one's goose , or cool one's heels , or cover one's tracks , or cry one's eyes out , or in one's cups , or up one's alley , or cut one's eye , or cut one's eyeteeth , or cut one's teeth on , or cut one's throat , or cut of one's jib , or darken one's door , or beyond one's depth , or die in one's boots , or dip one's fingers into , or dirty one's hands , or keep one's distance , or know one's distance , or do one's block , or at one's door , or at one's doorstep , or off one's dot , or drag one's feet , or draw in one's horns , or draw one's time , or dree one's weird , or dress one's droddum , or drop one's lines , or dust one's jacket , or on one's ear , or eat one's head off , or eat one's heart out , or eat one's words , or eat out of one's hand , or at one's elbow , or end of one's rope , or all one's eye , or have in one's eye , or keep one's eyes open , or set one's eyes by , or up to one's eyes , or to one's face , or fall on one's face , or fash one's beard , or in one's favor , or a feather in one's cap , or feather one's nest , or off one's feed , or feel in one's bones , or feel one's oats , or fill one's shoes , or find in one's heart , or find one's way , or at one's fingertips , or to one's fingertips , or flea in one's ear , or flip one's lid , or fly at one's throat , or follow one's nose , or at one's feet , or off one's feet , or on one's feet , or put one's foot down , or put one's foot into it , or force one's hand , or get one's goat , or get one's hand in , or get one's hooks on , or ants in one's pants , or gird one's loins , or go to one's head , or on one's good behavior , or in one's hair , or one's hair down , or out of one's hair , or for one's own hand , or off one's hands , or of one's hands , or on one's hands , or put one's hand on , or put one's hand to , or to one's hand , or hang over one's head , or on one's own account , or have one's hat in the ring , or take one's hat off to , or haul down one's colors , or haul in one's horns , or haul one's wind , or have one's hands full , or have one's own back , or off one's head , or out of one's head , or over one's head , or to one's heart's content , or one's native heath , or heave one's gorge , or on one's heels , or hide one's face from , or hide one's head , or hide one's light under a bushel , or on one's hind legs , or hire one's time , or hit one's stride , or hoist with one's own petard , or hold one's breath , or hold one's ground , or hold one's horses , or hold one's own , or hold one's peace , or hold one's tongue , or hold up one's head , or on one's own hook , or hug one's chains , or apple of one's eye , or incline one's ear




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更新时间:2025/3/13 3:03:04