

单词 offer
释义 of·fer
I. \ˈȯfə(r), ˈäf-\ verb
(offered ; offered ; offering \-f(ə)riŋ\ ; offers)
Etymology: Middle English offren, offeren, in sense 1, from Old English offrian, from Late Latin offerre, from Latin, to present, tender, proffer, offer, from of- (from ob- to, toward, against) + ferre to carry; in other senses, from Old French offrir, from Latin offerre — more at ob-, bear
transitive verb
 a. : to present as an act of worship or devotion : sacrifice
  < to the Catholic church where she would offer a candle or so to his recovery — F.M.Ford >
 b. : to utter (as a prayer) in devotion — often used with up
  < offered up prayers of thanksgiving >
 a. : to present for acceptance or rejection : hold outtender, proffer
  < offer a bribe >
  < offer a bill to the legislature >
  < offered his hand in marriage >
  < was offered a job >
 b. : to present in order to meet a requirement
  < candidates for the degree may offer English as one of their foreign languages >
 a. : to bring or put forward for action or consideration : propose, suggest
  < offer an opinion >
  < offer a proposition >
  < offered himself as a candidate for governor >
 b. : to declare one's readiness or willingness — used with an infinitive object
  < offered to help me >
  < offered to join in the search >
 a. : to try or begin to exert
  < offered stubborn resistance >
  < don't shoot unless they offer violence >
 b. : undertake, attempt — used with an infinitive object
  < offered to strike him with his cane >
  < offered to kiss her >
  < a young bruiser … can hardly offer to beat up on an old man — W.L.Gresham >
5. : to make available or accessible : supply, afford
 < summit offers a magnificent panorama >
 < stream offering excellent fishing >
 < the college offers courses in Russian >
especially : to place (merchandise) on sale
 < offers a range of cameras at reasonable prices >
6. : to present in performance or exhibition
 < offer a new comedy >
7. : to propose as paymentbid
 < offered me $10 for it >
intransitive verb
1. : to present something as an act of worship or devotion : make an offering or sacrifice : sacrifice
 < in no other country … do people pray and offer as much as they do in Tibet — Heinrich Harrer >
2. archaic : to make an attempt — used with at
3. : to come to hand : present itself
 < buying land whenever opportunity offered >
4. : to make a proposal; especially : to propose marriage
5. Britain : to be or to become available
 < free choice to get work where work is offeringSydney (Australia) Bulletin >
 < corn that is offering is quite suitable — Farmer's Weekly (South Africa) >
 offer, proffer, tender, present, and prefer can mean, in common, to put something before another for acceptance. offer in itself usually implies no more than the common meaning
  < offer a cigarette >
  < offer a helping hand >
  < offer a solution to a problem >
  < offer to help out in a crisis >
  < offer a good evening's entertainment >
  proffer, more literary than offer, adds, or throws stress on, the idea of voluntariness, spontaneity, or courtesy on the part of the doer or subject of the verb
  < proffer one's hand to a lady >
  < proffer hospitality to strangers in trouble >
  < sympathy should be proffered to the bereaved — Alexander MacDonald >
  tender, a term with a legal currency implying an offering of something according to the terms of the law for approval or acceptance, in general use adds to offer the idea of the modesty, humility, or gentleness of the doer or subject of the verb
  < tender your resignation >
  < tender your services >
  < tender your friendship >
  present can carry a strong suggestion of formalness or a ceremoniousness or outward show in the act of offering or can suggest the character of a gift in the thing offered
  < present a prize to a winning team >
  < presented the Davy-Faraday Laboratory to the Royal Institution — S.F.Mason >
  < the analysis of experimental science presented in this foreword — J.B.Conant >
  < words by which one scholar can present clearly to another the results of an investigation on this complex subject — E.S.McCartney >
  prefer in the sense of proffer or present is current only in legal use, though it is common in literary works up to the late nineteenth century
  < the government of which the victim is a subject may justly prefer a claim — Encyc. Americana >
  < has preferred some serious charges — Reginald Bretnor >
  < I don't prefer any claim to being the soul of romance — Charles Dickens >
II. noun
Etymology: Middle English offre, from Middle French, from Old French, from offrir
1. : an act of offering: as
 a. : a presenting for acceptance : proffer
  < refused all offers of assistance >
  < considering job offers from several firms >
 specifically : a proposal of marriage
  < if she was still single it was not for lack of offers >
 b. : an undertaking upon terms that embodies a promise given in consideration and in exchange for another's stipulated act or forbearance or designated reciprocal promise and that calls for acceptance or rejection by that other — compare contract
2. obsolete : offering
3. : a price named by one proposing to buy : bid
 < had several good offers for his house >
 a. : attempt, try
  < made an offer to catch the ball >
 b. : an action or movement indicating a purpose or intention of doing something
  < halfhearted offer of resistance >
  < made an offer of jumping out of the car >
5. : a small knob on a deer's antler : a rudimentary tine

- on offer




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