

单词 zoospore
释义 zoo·spore
\ˈzōə+ˌ-\ noun
Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary zo- + spore
: an independently motile spore: as
  (1) : a motile usually naked and flagellated asexual spore (as of an alga or lower fungus) — called also swarm spore
  (2) : zoogonidium
 b. : planogamete
  (1) : a flagellated gamete of a foraminiferan
  (2) : a minute amoeboid or flagellated product of protozoan sporocyst division whether sexual or asexual
zo·o·spor·ic \ˌzōəˈspōrik, -pȯr-, -pär-\ or zo·os·po·rous \zōˈäspərəs; |zōə|spōrəs, -pȯr-\ adjective
zo·o·spo·rif·er·ous \ˌzōəspəˈrifərəs, -spōrˈif-, -spȯr-\ adjective




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