释义 |
non·pa·reil I. \|nänpə|rel sometimes |nən- or -rī(ə)l or -rā(ə)l or -rē(ə)l or, by British printers ˈnänprə̇l or ˈnämp-\ adjective Etymology: Middle French, from non- non- (I) + pareil equal, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin pariculus, from Latin par equal — more at pair : having no equal : peerless < a lover's triumph in the nonpareil beauty of his mistress — Robert Lynd > II. noun (-s) 1. : an individual of unequaled excellence : paragon < the very nonpareil of tidiness and cleanliness — Eric Linklater > < nonpareils whose conduct was a model for all time — Maurice Collis > < a virtuoso, a master, a nonpareil — S.H.Adams > 2. [French nonpareille, from feminine of nonpareil, adjective] a. : an old size of type (approximately 6 point) between agate and minion b. : 6-point interlinear space or spacing material 3. [French nonpareille, from feminine of nonpareil, adjective] a. : a small flat disk of chocolate covered with very small white pellets of sugar b. : sugar in the form of small pellets of various colors used in covering candy or decorating cakes or cookies 4. : painted bunting |