释义 |
cau·li·flow·er I. \ˈkȯlə, ˈkäl-, -lē also ˈkəl-+ˌ-\ noun (-s) Usage: often attributive Etymology: alteration (influenced by Latin caulis cabbage and English flower) of earlier colieflorie, modification of Italian caoli fiori, plural of cavolfiore, literally, cabbage flower, from cavolo cabbage (from Late Latin caulus, alteration of Latin caulis) + fiore flower, from Latin flor-, flos — more at cole, flower 1. : a garden plant (Brassica oleracea botrytis) that is closely related to the cabbage and is grown for its edible head of greatly modified and compacted white or purplish undeveloped flowers — see broccoli 2. : the flower cluster of the cauliflower used as a vegetable 3. : something resembling a cauliflower; especially : a cloud shaped like a cauliflower cluster II. transitive verb (-ed/-ing/-s) : to disfigure (an ear) especially by repeated blows in boxing |